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Life Beyond The Swamp

by | Jun 12, 2017 | Ignored by MSM, Politics



While the nation’s capital is swirling with investigations and testimonies that have amounted to a massive pile of nothing, or to put it in the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin – nonsense — the question arises as to how life is going for those who should thank their lucky stars they live beyond the Beltway.

Indeed, while Special Counsel Robert Mueller amasses an armada of attorneys to prosecute God knows who over God knows what, the Trump administration is slogging along in The Swamp trying to press forward the president’s lofty and aggressive America First agenda. And lo and behold, you won’t hear this from the mainstream media — but things are getting better out there in fly-over territory.

In week twenty of his administration, President Trump set his sights on the crumbling American infrastructure. Remember all those billions of bail-out dollars that were going to become shovel ready jobs? Well, that money went heaven knows where and the shovels have been rusting away, much like many American cities and unemployed workers.

Meeting with businessmen and lawmakers this past week, the president unveiled a plan to partner with the private sector by dedicating $200 billion of his proposed $1 trillion investment plan toward rebuilding the crumbling roads, bridges, and airports across the nation. And to get the job done the president is working on an eight-year reduction in permit process time. In one of the most innovative ideas of his presidency thus far, the president plans to devote $1 billion toward apprenticeships. Now that, fellow Americans, is a capital idea.

Between the astronomical cost of education, the amount of progressive brainwashing from leftist professors and quite simply the number of young people who just aren’t ready, willing or able to attend college, it is beyond time something like this was put in place for our children and our economy.

As well, Trump signed into law two bills long overdue to help American veterans and public safety officers. The first proposes making it a priority to hire retired veterans into law enforcement. The second provides survivor benefits to family members of police killed in the line of duty. Amazing that neither has been done before, but here it is now and one would imagine, most welcome in the veteran and law enforcement communities.

Finally, and quietly in the background this week, Vice-President Pence sat down with women who own and operate small businesses to discuss the burden of running an entity in the age of Obamacare. The skyrocketing cost and red-tape burden are crushing this sector of the economy. That means it will not grow and cannot sustain itself unless taxes, regulations and federal mandates drop precipitously. Pence wanted to hear from the businesswomen and assess the situation to see what can be done at the federal level to staunch the bleeding in this vital sector of the American economy.

Add these measures on to the rip-roaring job growth numbers as reported in Liberty Nation last week, and it becomes evident that things are beginning to look up for those who reside north, west, and south of the Potomac River.

Turn on your flat-screen, or open your local newspaper every day of the week and you won’t hear a thing about any of this.

Indeed, the mainstream media is still licking its wounds over the nothing burger they hyped (with countdown clocks and all) over the James Comey testimony. Even Megyn Kelly’s much-touted interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin did nothing but put egg all over Ms. Kelly’s perfectly made-up face. Putin threw it down as he challenged Kelly and the elite media forces behind her to get a life when he said, “I just find it amazing how you created a sensation where there wasn’t anything at all and proceeded to turn that sensation into a tool for fighting the sitting president. You know, you’re just very resourceful people there, well done, probably your lives there are boring.”

So, while the swamp-dwellers are busy eating their own and glorifying nonsensical narratives that have little or nothing to do with life in fly-over country, hope and change have become more than just a campaign meme and accomplished by a president who didn’t even make that much-heralded promise in the first place.

And it’s about time.

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