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William Barr: The Heartland’s new Hero

Even after enduring insults and investigation from the left, AG Barr kept his sense of humor.

by | May 17, 2019 | Columns, Opinion, Politics

While the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states, they do so at their own peril; it was this silent majority that put President Trump in the White House. Each week, Liberty Nation gives voice to the hard-working heartlanders who are silent no more.

Political yammering in the heartland happens wherever folks gather, from the checkout line in the grocery store to the pews in the Lord’s house and all points in between.  It’s as much of a way of life as trying to one-up each other on getting the cheapest price on the most expensive item, whether it’s a brand-spanking new John Deere mower or a fifty-cent (which is a tad high) purchase at the local thrift store.

The quest to have the most ludicrous tidbit of political gossip to share was a draw between the farmers at an Indiana coffee house and the voyeurs on social media discussing the random acts of the Swamp toadies.

William Barr

William Barr the Badass

Last week, Americans had to listen to the Democrats in Congress bemoan Attorney General William Barr for – of all things – upholding the law.  In a desperate attempt to dox whoever might be redacted from the $25 million Mueller Report, the House voted to move forward with contempt of Congress proceedings.

Liberty Nation’s Graham Noble wrote an excellent analysis of the freak show – er – hearing, reminding us that “Barr is still constrained by existing statutes concerning the release of classified information. The release of certain material redacted in the report, specifically grand jury testimony, would require those who wish to see it to obtain a court order.”

Democrats Don’t Care About Facts

Another truth: Barr has invited every member of Congress to visit his office and review the unredacted report.  But no one is taking the bait: When there’s a leak of names to CNN or MSNBC — which would undoubtedly occur if the report actually left the Department of Justice — it would be an easy trace to the leaker.

Stymied, and apparently frustrated, the Democrats appear to be in a holding pattern, as bullying attempts fell flatter than a runny flapjack. But AG Barr is all business and, as usual, appears unfazed.  Just to demonstrate that he has no hard feelings for being forced to endure the ridiculous charade on the Hill, Barr teased Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

After the National Peace Officers Memorial Day service, Barr nonchalantly sidled up to Madam Pelosi in the crowd, grasped her outstretched claw, and loudly said, “Madam Speaker, did you bring your handcuffs?”  Her lips curved into a smile, but she flashed him the hairy eye as he chuckled and walked away. Deplorables in flyover states have a new-found admiration for the man.

Virginia Perez from Midland, MI: “I would have loved to see the look on that old crab’s face lmfao GO BARR!”

Arnie Alvizo, from the Windy City, offered, “Here Democrats we’re about to show you how to do an INVESTIGATION. We promise you we are not going to take 3 years, we are not going to spend 40 million of our tax dollars !! And yes we’re going to find all of the CRIMINALS….”

And Ronald McClain advised that the “only reason they don’t go down individually and read the unredacted version is there is a leak investigation going on and they know they would be screwed 30 min after reading unredacted version once they left.  Hell would surprise me if it wasn’t out before they left the reading room.”

But the reading room was coming to a coffee shop near you as Democratic Members of the House decided to read the entire 448-page redacted Mueller report on the floor.

The Incessant Droning of Desperate People

It was a full day process, fraught with dry-mouths, excessive bathroom breaks, and a struggle for several to actually pronounce and speak words. Yet it was imperative for the Democrats to pull the stunt, apparently.  Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-PA) explained the need for such a marathon process:

“We’ve been saying for weeks that if you think there was no obstruction and no collusion, you haven’t read the Mueller report. So the ongoing quest has been, ‘How do we get that story out there while we are waiting for the witnesses to come in?’ The Mueller report was a mandate from the Department of Justice that there be an investigation into these very troubling aspects about what was happening in our government. So you know, it may be inconvenient, it may be time-consuming, but it’s what we have to do.”

Who at this point hasn’t read the darn thing?

But it became a droning, ear-bleeding, book on tape, and the farmers riding out a severe spring storm in west central Indiana could not stop berating the antics of those in the Swamp.

Bernie, who everyone calls Skeeter, asked: “Do the Democrats secretly want to have Trump win reelection? I mean, jeez louise these people are insane.”

An old-timer named Larry, who must’ve been a day older than dirt, was expertly working his Apple iPhone and watching the livestreaming channel where the most boring people on the planet read out loud an innocuous report.  He muttered constantly – at times only to himself – about what elected officials were supposed to do in Washington.

Nancy Pelosi

“How is this the business of the people?  How long is this latest stunt going to take and why on God’s green acre is someone actually broadcasting this? Don’t they know not only can we decipher who can’t manage the English language but who participated in this farce as a waste of my tax dollars? I hope Trump is keeping track of this stuff.”

Budge, another farmer from the greatest generation, offered this tip: “While they’re at it maybe they should read the Constitution out loud. Just to make sure they understand that document.”

For those who missed the most riveting of days on the Hill, fear not – the orations of the desperate left will be available as an audio book with a release date still to be determined. In the meantime, Heartlanders will continue to cheer on those throwing jabs at House Democrats. They don’t fall for smoke and mirrors.


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