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Cancel Easter? – The UK Easter Egg Hunt Begins

The hunt for Easter in the UK gets harder each year.

At my house, we have one rule regarding Easter chocolate: If it doesn’t say “Easter,” we don’t buy it. Surely this couldn’t be an issue in the United Kingdom, a country so rooted in Christian heritage? But, sadly, yes, shop after shop, each with beautifully colored displays of chocolate eggs and bunnies, each with winsome designs ready to catch the eye … and only a rare sighting of the despised “E” word.

I endure multiple visits to a range of stores, befuddled looks from shop assistants, and a growing feeling of bewilderment as I try to get my significant other a tasty chocolate egg. What was once a standard wording displayed on both products and signage, now appears to be a dirty little secret in this supposedly Christian nation.

Although I am not myself a Christian, the Christian traditions and institutions of my country have shaped every aspect of who I am as an individual, and I am grateful for them. Some may suggest that not being of the faith, I could just as well buy a chocolate egg without the dreaded “E” word emblazoned on the packaging, but why would I? It is not a habit of mine to purchase chocolate eggs any other day of the year, so why should my hard-earned money be paid to a company that is cashing in on the oldest Christian festival without even giving a friendly nod to its roots? Yes, the egg and bunny imagery of Easter arose from even more ancient pagan spring rites, but one cannot deny the role of the church in the evolution of Britain and, by extension, the United States.

Trying (and Failing) to Please Everyone

Why has this become such a difficult task? With 59.5% of the nation’s population identifying as Christian, the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus should not be a taboo subject. Yet it is becoming more apparent each year that Brits are being actively discouraged from celebrating the roots of their culture.

The idea that we all need to make sacrifices to create an “inclusive” culture is shoddy thinking at best. When cultural Marxists proclaim that we must all make efforts to accommodate minorities, they are engaged in crass collectivism, pitting the whims of the few against the heritage of the many. Yes, we should all help our friends and neighbors participate in society, including those of different origins, but should it be at the expense of our own traditions? This moral class-action against the nation’s heritage is damaging and spiritually vacuous.

The enforced Easter egg hunt is sadly neither an isolated incident nor a recent development. Each year in the run-up to Christmas, we hear tales of towns and cities that are refusing to display traditional decorations for fear that it may offend non-Christians. In fact, a 2006 survey of 2,300 businesses found that nearly three-quarters had banned office decorations for this very reason.

[perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”20″]Brits are being actively discouraged from celebrating the roots of their culture.[/perfectpullquote]In 2014, Stoke-on-Trent city council decided to do a Christmas “rebrand,” calling it “Winterfest” in an effort to be more “inclusive.” That same year, of 182 local authorities, only one sent out their annual cards with a mention of Jesus; the others included secular messages and images.

Mission Accomplished … This Time

You will no doubt be pleased, dear reader, that I have finally found an actual Easter egg, one with the word “Easter” displayed loudly and proudly on the front of the box. It was no easy task, and I fear that next year, it may not be possible at all. Perhaps it’s time to try a new Easter tradition … maybe even going to church.

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