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Conservative Sunday Digest – Editorial Picks

Settle back and enjoy LN's top five stories from this week.

Liberty Nation presents our selection of the best stories this week. Some may be articles, others may be podcasts, videos, or radio broadcasts, but each has been chosen for their quality and scope.

The editorial team at LN hopes you can use this weekly post to catch up on stories that you might have missed. Let us know in the comments section which is your favorite.

#1 Final Four: A Guide to What Dems Will Say When Mueller Report Is Released

By Tim Donner

Everything you need to know.

Now that Attorney General William Barr has promised to release the Mueller report in all its glory within the next few days, we thought it considerate to save you time you’ll never get back watching the establishment media’s reaction by informing you in advance of just how the Democrats are going to respond.

But, you say, the report has not even been released, so how could you know what the Democrats will say? Well, they have been at this collusion delusion for more than two years now, we have witnessed the lengths to which they are willing to go in an effort to take down President Trump, and they have only a few bullets left in their chamber. We can state with overwhelming confidence that they will fire all of them.

But let’s start by reaffirming something as certain as the sun rising in the east: The Democrats will not accept the validity of the report in whatever form they receive it. That would, after all, require them to stop spinning their conspiracy theories, and we can’t have that. Read More.

#2 From the White House to the Big House: The Michael Avenatti Odyssey

By Graham J. Noble

Once the left’s hero, destined to sweep Trump from power, Avenatti has got some splainin’ to do.

Michael Avenatti race car driver

Michael Avenatti could have had it all. He could have been a contender. He was on the verge of becoming a truly historic figure. It is no exaggeration to say that his face was destined to be carved out of the naked rock between Abe Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt on Mount Rushmore. So what happened? How can one man – a lawyer, no less – go so quickly from being a breath away from the White House to a gasp away from the Big House?

There is, perhaps, no other individual in American history whose persona and life story evokes so many of the great tales and legends of human civilization. George Washington? Psssht! Rosa Parks? Puleez!

Michael Avenatti has them beat. He was a professional racecar driver, fer chrissakes! He had a private jet and a Ferrari. He portrayed himself as a plain-spoken and outspoken tough guy. He was Tony Stark without the metal suit – or maybe Gloria Allred with more estrogen. Read More.

#3 Analysis: Assange Arrested – Why Now?

By Leesa K. Donner

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange just lost his safe haven – and the timing is rather suspicious.

Julian Assange

The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, has been arrested in London. That much the world seems to know. But the question that immediately comes to mind is: Why now? The Australian-born figure has been a lightening rod, providing classified information to the public for most of his adult life. As such, a number of countries – including the U.S. – have been waiting not so patiently for a chance at him.

And now the jig is up for Mr. Assange.

According to the Metropolitan Police, the arrest of the WikiLeaks founder pertains to his flight following an accusation of rape in Sweden.  The charges in that case were dropped last year.  The 47-year-old has long held that the supposed rape in Sweden was a “set-up” to silence him. But the accusations in the U.S. are more serious and could be extremely difficult to avoid should he be extradited to America. Read More.

#4 The Skeleton in the Electric Car Closet

By Onar Am

The number of electric vehicles is increasing rapidly, but at great human cost.

You probably have not heard anything other than praise for electric cars in the mainstream media. They are sexy and environmentally friendly too, we are told. The first may be true, but not the latter. Batteries are not good for the environment, and their raw materials are mined at the expense of human health.

Rare earth metals are needed to make efficient batteries. The minerals are found in low densities in the earth’s crust, and tons of rock need to be mined, filtered, and transported in order to find the amount required to make a vehicle battery. Typically, the energy needed to create them exceeds the amount that they store during their lifetime. That is why they are so expensive.

Mining for cobalt in the Congo.

Cobalt is one of the ingredients needed to make batteries. In 2018, 70% of this mineral came from the Democratic Republic of Congo in Central Africa. The metal is mined by poor Congolese people who work under conditions that would have been unthinkable and highly illegal in any Western country. Accidents are common, sometimes killing the miners.

Little attention is given to those who toil to make wealthy Western environmentalists happy. It is not uncommon for green ideals to be at odds with human health. DDT is a miracle chemical that was used to eradicate malaria in America and Europe, but environmentalists were able to de facto ban it in the 1970s, resulting in tens of millions of unnecessary deaths in developing nations. Read More.

#5 Red State Folk Talk Reparations, the Wall and the Pres

By Sarah Cowgill

Road tripping for a sampling of America’s political tastes.

Taking the pulse of the political issues of the day could be conducted by Rasmussen Reports, Gallup Poll, Five Thirty-Eight, or RealClearPolitics by phoning a few voters and asking one or two loaded questions – garnering similar answers with a tiny point margin.  Or, one could fill the tank with fossil fuel, pack an overnight bag, spends scads of pocket money on salty snacks, and hit the backroads.

If you are searching for what folks living in flyover states think, option two nets the best raw data.  Rural Americans are much more willing to chat up a random stranger for a few minutes than to answer a phone call from an unidentified number.

With a balmy weather forecast and a sweet smell of blossoms in the air, it was time to check in with the rural people in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio – states that helped Trump coast to victory in 2016.

Twenty-six months after Trump was sworn into office, supporters haven’t wavered. Read More.

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