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Progressives Abusing Their Own Policies

Following the shenanigans of the progressive “do as I say” crowd.

Lead by example. This adage is dished out by parents, secular institutions, the military, and, obnoxiously, career counseling and business coaches trying to make a buck off the work ethic. It is painfully obvious that Democrats have shied away from such utter nonsense and now rabidly advocate for another maxim: Do as I say, not as I do.

And they get away with it without so much as a scolding from constituents.

The practice has become so egregious that it warrants exposure and review.  So, let’s reconsider the shenanigans of the Democrats the media would like us all to follow like bleating, frightened sheep – a few of the top perps of the “do as I say” crowd and their recent bouts of hypocrisy.

As you may surmise, most reside in the progressive/socialist camps popping up in the swamp and claim Armageddon will blow into town in the next ten years or so, give or take.

The Environ-Mentals

Let’s discuss Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and his smoke-and-mirrors attempt to disguise his lack of concern for environmental protection as he runs yet another presidential campaign – where fossil fuels are used in maximum capacity. Recently, the frumpy millionaire socialist had scads of Bernie Bros praising him for future-offsetting his sure-to-be-massive amounts of ozone-depleting fumes.

The campaign is buying offsets from a Vermont-based company called NativeEnergy, which is happy to collect funds for projects yet to be dreamed up. The business is used by the Hollywood elite, who wish to assuage their guilt as they burn 387 gallons of fuel per hour jetting about.

NativeEnergy’s website has a handy tool to calculate your current carbon footprint – a price tag of $14 a ton – and promises that your payment to improve the health of the environment will be delivered gradually over the next 20 years. But, no, carbon emissions are not be neutralized.

Bernie Sanders

Yes, Sanders believes that he can carbon emit from sea to shining sea as he campaigns by investing in future green projects. Emphasis on future. Simply put, he’s going to pollute like crazy and hope in the future someone else does the actual work on behalf of the planet.

Tom Goldtooth, executive director of Indigenous Environmental Network, based in Minnesota, calls the process bunk. He firmly believes offsets are “just another mechanism to relieve society of the fact that we need to make real changes. It functions to relieve someone of their guilt.”

But let’s not leave out the mouthiest “do as I say” perp of all, bartender-turned-Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who wants to push a $93 trillion New Green Deal tab down taxpayers’ throats. Although her campaign office was a scant 138 feet from the subway, AOC called on Uber, Lyft, Juno, and other car services 1,049 times. Federal filings show the Environ-Mentalist racked up 505 Uber rides alone.

Townhall first reported her transgressions, pointing to blatant, obnoxious hypocrisy: “Ocasio-Cortez spent $29,365.70 on those emissions-spewing vehicles, along with car and van rentals — even though her Queens HQ was a one-minute walk to the 7 train. The campaign shelled out only $8,335.41 on 52 MetroCard transactions.”

But who can chide the newbie when she hires a gas-guzzling SUV to drop her at events when she could easily hoof it?

But, hey, as Kermit once opined, “It’s not easy being green.” Although if the students who rode in belching buses, hitched a ride with an SUV-driving parent, or drove their own ride to school on Walk Out for Climate Change had just heeded their own hysterical cries, we may all be less irritated by their smug-faced drama-fatiguing antics. In other words, get off your bottoms and take a walk.

Sick of Hypocrisy

America is only green from the queasiness inflicted upon them by a political party that swings and sways whichever way the winds of public opinion blow.

Nancy Pelosi

There was a time, in the not-so-distant past, when our representatives believed in defending our national security, especially in situations like the invasion at our southern border. Today, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) calls securing the border by enhancing walls and fences “immoral” as she enjoys a nice private cocktail behind the wall encircling her mansion.

America is choking on the elite media’s vomit of reparations and unprovable claims of white privilege, while the two leading candidates running for the Democratic nomination are old wealthy white men.

And gun grabbers who wish to disarm the electorate blame the deaths caused by mentally unstable people on the firearm. Yet the media, celebrities, and politicians are rarely seen without armed security.

Democrats, no one is buying your schtick anymore. Do us all a favor, put your own money where your mouth is and walk the talk – like the rest of us who tend to lead by example.

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