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SAY WHAT? The Immoral Wall and Trump as Traitor

by | Jan 22, 2019 | Columns, Politics

Say What is the segment of Liberty Nation Radio where we unveil some of the most wacky, astonishing and damnable things uttered by politicians and the chattering class. 

Tim Donner: It’s all about the wall, the partial government shutdown heading into a fourth week with no end in sight. President Trump has made crystal-clear that he’s not backing down from his demand of almost $6 billion in funding for the border wall, or physical barrier, as it’s come to be known. But newly minted Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is equally stubborn, insisting that a border wall is morally reprehensible.

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi: A wall is an immorality. It’s not who we are as a nation. It’s a wall between reality and his constituents, his supporters.

Tim: But are cracks beginning to form in the Democrats’ resistance to Trump and the wall? There was some wishful thinking, at least among the pro-wall crowd, when the second-ranking Democrat, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-PA), went on Fox News and disagreed with Speaker Pelosi.

Steny Hoyer: My own view is that this is not an issue of morality. A wall is a wall if it tries to imprison people who shouldn’t be imprisoned. A wall that protects people is not immoral.

Tim: Okay. A voice of reason, at least temporarily, among the Democratic House leadership. Hoyer makes the point that there’s a big difference between the Berlin Wall, built to keep people in, and this wall, which would be, like the ones already built in California and Arizona and Texas and Israel and Hungary and elsewhere, designed to keep people who don’t belong here out. And so the beat goes on in the longest government shutdown, or partial shutdown, in American history. It’s beginning to look more and more like a playground fight, with both sides taunting each other. After Trump walked out of a meeting with Pelosi and Schumer, Pelosi retaliated with a letter to Trump proposing to delay the president’s State of the Union Address.

Nancy Pelosi: On the strength of the statement of the secretary of homeland security about all of the resources that are needed to prepare for a State of the Union Address, which it calls a special, an event of special security, and so these people are not working. And we’ve never really had a State of the Union when government has been in shut down since the Budget Act of the ’70s.

Carl Bernstein

Tim: So Trump responded to that by denying Pelosi use of the military plane that would transport her for a grand tour in Afghanistan. In effect, Trump was saying, if you want to diss me, I’ll diss you back.

Meanwhile, the left continues to pound the president in the wake of spectacular stories in The New York Times and The Washington Post in recent days, suggesting Trump may be an actual Russian spy or asset. Really. The once-relevant and now attention-seeking Carl Bernstein of Woodward and Bernstein fame is the poster child for leftist hysteria on Trump and Russia, appearing on, where else, CNN.

Carl Bernstein: The evidence suggests, indeed Trump is, has been a pawn of the Russians.

Tim: The umpteenth charge from the left that Trump is a traitor. All of this, as one Democrat after another lines up to challenge Trump in 2020. The announced field is now at six candidates, including one of the latest, Kirsten Gillibrand, the woke senator from New York who used virtually every left-wing hot-button word in announcing her candidacy.

Kirsten G.: I’m going to run for president of the United States because, as a young mom, I will fight for your children as hard as I would fight for my own. I believe that health care should be a right and not a privilege. I believe we should have better public schools, because it shouldn’t matter what block you grow up on. I believe we need to start rewarding work in this country again, because anybody who wants to work hard should be able to get whatever training they need to earn their way into the middle class and to be able to have the American dream, which has always been for everyone.

Kirsten Gillibrand

Tim: Okay. So let’s deconstruct that for a second. Gillibrand said she’s a young mom, projecting her womanhood and her youth. She said health care is a right, hitting the bull’s eye for leftists wanting fully socialized health care. She wants better public schools, translation: throw even more money at failing public schools. She wants to start rewarding work in this country again. Not even sure what that means, but it seems like she’s down with common folk. She brings up training for people to get new jobs, i.e., more government spending. And, of course, she closes with the American dream for everyone. Early prediction here is that her campaign goes nowhere.

Another Democrat who’s announced for president is likely to go nowhere, not because she’s like Gillibrand, who brings nothing new to the table, but because she dares to think independently. That would be Tulsi Gabbard, member of Congress from Hawaii, who’s being savaged by leftist Democrats for daring to stand for something Democrats were supposedly famous for: being anti-war. Specifically, she met with the Syrian president and opposes our presence in Syria, which President Trump will soon end. Listen to the conventional elite media wisdom from Allison Camerota and Gloria Borger of CNN.

Gloria Borger

Gloria Borger: She went (to Syria) in 2017. This is going to be another issue, to visit with Bashar al-Assad in Syria. And this trip has already come back to bite her.

Alisyn Camerota: She did apologize for this.

Gloria Borger: She did, but how many apologies can you make for bad judgment? Not only will she be criticized from within the Democratic Party, but I think it makes her a less effective candidate. I mean, she can’t position herself against Trump about meeting with dictators when in fact she’s done it herself. So now I think she has some … I think she’s going to have some problems.

Tim: Funny, but I don’t recall any Democrats opposing President Obama’s meeting with Communist dictator Raúl Castro in Cuba or, over the years, any president meeting with Communist Soviet leaders. But now, of course, because Trump is president, meeting with dictators is verboten.

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