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SAY WHAT? Democrats’ Plan: Criminalize Trump and Disappear Males

Say What is the segment of Liberty Nation Radio where we unveil some of the most wacky, astonishing and damnable things uttered by politicians and the chattering class. Here is the latest episode: 

Tim Donner: The Democrats are chomping at the bit to launch all manner of investigations of President Trump when they take control of the House of Representatives next month, and the incoming Democratic Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, the man who will hold subpoena power, New York’s Jerry Nadler, actually did a remarkable thing on MSNBC when he described his reaction to the chants of the Trump faithful during the presidential campaign about Hilary Clinton: lock her up.

Jerry Nadler

Jerry Nadler: Oh my God, you’ve got a candidate and a spokesman for the candidate who have lost all sight of American traditions and the democratic tradition, and then try to make enemies of your opponents and threaten to use the power of law for political purposes. And that is very dangerous. And, of course, we now know that this president lies excessively, about everything. And one thing I think we know now is that his period of being able to lie excessively and not being called to account is coming to an end.

Tim: Hmm, an ominous signal that Nadler and his leftist colleagues will investigate Trump ’til they drop. But Nadler probably didn’t even realize that, in that statement, he demonstrated complete hypocrisy, attacking Trump for criminalizing his opponent, and then proceeding to do essentially the same thing about Trump. Buckle your seat belts, folks. The ride is about to get awfully bumpy.

One of the dozens of Democrats considering a run against Trump in 2020, New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, tweeted out this week: “Our future is female, intersectional, powered by our belief in one another, and we’re just getting started.” Political commentator Heather MacDonald went on Fox News and said the former moderate, now newly woke senator is entirely representative of the leftward lurch of today’s Democratic Party.

Heather MacDonald

Heather MacDonald: I wish it was something that was just confined to Gillibrand, but it’s not. It means that feminism has ambitions to take over civilization, and when that happens, you can say goodbye to civilization. They’re trying to disappear males. They’re committed to a narrative that America is a rape culture, is oppressive, is sexist, is racist. That’s the whole concept of intersectionality, which is a way of describing the growing number of victims and their complicated ways of being oppressed by white heterosexual males.

Tim: Yep. The more you demonize white men and expand the victim pool, apparently the more likely you are to find favor with the Democrats’ leftist base.

Another major issue on the progressive left, of course, is illegal immigration, with a bunch of elected Democrats calling for the end of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, ICE: essentially, open borders. But political strategist Ned Ryun went on Fox News and said it’s not just Democrats who are to blame.

Ned Ryun: We’ve gotten to this point because of an unholy alliance between Democrats and Republicans, Democrats for political gain, and Republicans for business gain. Think about the economic future of what we’re looking at. It gets pretty grim. And the question that people aren’t asking, and I think they need to start asking, is if we continue to bring in a lot of low-skilled and unskilled laborers, a lot of whom are coming illegally, what happens when mass automation hits and all of those unskilled or low-skilled laborers get thrown out of work? You are either gonna have violence and rioting in the streets, or we’re gonna have to put them on our social welfare systems, which are already failing. And the only way those get funded is that we get to pay even greater taxes, life-crushing, draconian taxes to fund those social welfare programs. [perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]One side is wrong, the other hypocritical.[/perfectpullquote]

Tim: So your choice is Democrats who publicly call for essentially open borders, and the many Republicans who publicly call for tough enforcement of immigration laws but don’t really mean it. One side is wrong, the other hypocritical. Some choice.

Meanwhile, Russia, or collusion with Russia, remains a hot topic among wishful thinkers on the left; their fantasy that Trump schemed to collude with Russia to steal the election from Hilary Clinton is hardly without consequences. As a longtime liberal expert on all things Russia, Stephen Cohen, pointed out on Fox News, the Democrats have tied Trump’s hands on a vital international relationship.

Stephen Cohen: For the first time since President Eisenhower, a president of the United States, Donald Trump, is not free to keep us from war with Russia. We’re embroiled in crises that are fought with hot war, not just cold war, from Syria to Ukraine. Because of the Russia-gate allegations, Trump feels not free to deal with Putin in terms of national security. Think back to John Kennedy during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. President Kennedy was free to negotiate with the Kremlin leader to avoid nuclear war. That is not the case today, and that’s why I think the danger of war with Russia, at least since the Cuban missile crisis, is greater, in my lifetime, in history, than it’s ever been.

Tim: But war with Russia might well be worth it for the left if they can get rid of Trump in the process.

Meanwhile, Trump soldiers on in his showdown with China. He met with Chinese President for life, Xi Jinping, at the G20 Summit in Argentina last week amid hopeful signs regarding our massive trade deficit with China and other things, according to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.

Steve Mnuchin

Steve Mnuchin: This is the first time we have had a direct agreement between the two presidents, President Xi and President Trump. I think President Xi made some very strong commitments on changing structural and non-structural issues. And if we can get this negotiated and get a real agreement, I think this is the single biggest opportunity for U.S. business and U.S. workers. President Trump has always been focused on the structural issues, including IP and technology and forced joined ventures. And what he has always said, and we’ve said to China, is that if we can correct these issues and they open their markets, the trade deficit will take care of itself.

Tim: By the way, forced joined ventures mean the Chinese companies force American companies to share their technology as a condition of partnership, which allows them to steal technology. And, of course, intellectual property theft has become one of the defining traits of China for some time, costing the U.S. untold billions of dollars.

We close with what I call the bookend to Hilary Clinton’s infamous basket of deplorables statement that was all about how deplorable Trump’s supporters are, but Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono says the flip side of that is that the Democrats are brilliant.

Mazie Hirono: We Democrats know so much — it’s true. Now, we have to kind of tell everybody how smart we are.

Tim: Isn’t that what Hillary Clinton kept saying in 2016?

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