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Homebody Trump’s Big Splash on the International Stage

The nation’s chief diplomat isn’t cut out for incessant travel and cuisine from distant lands. Rather, the America First president prefers his own digs, a cheeseburger, and good television to five-star hotels on foreign soil.

The latest diplomatic foray, the G20 Summit in Argentina, had President Trump in and out of the country in just 48 hours, while other world leaders amassed copious hours of shoulder-rubbing and high-fiving time with optics galore. [perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]But Trump prefers the sights viewed from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.[/perfectpullquote]

But Trumplomacy is a jackhammer-on-cement, down-and-dirty, get-it-done-and-move-on leadership style that those who support him already recognize; they neither focus on nor much care for the niceties of transcontinental etiquette.  It is the president’s brash and unapologetic Make America Great Again approach that fills stadiums to capacity at home.

Customary Savoir-faire

Throughout the arduous presidential campaign of 2016, Trump stomped across America, returning home almost every night – in contrast with opponents on both sides of the aisle who often bedded down at the local Holiday Inn.  When he did schedule multi-day events, it was in proximity to Trump International Hotel Las Vegas, or LaGuardia or Teterboro Airports when on the eastern seaboard.

Of course, Never-Trumper pundits ominously claimed that his decision to be home every night would turn off voters. “Not everything in a presidential campaign can be accomplished with a speech or a rally,” said Matt Schlapp, a former Bush minion who now chairs the American Conservative Union.  He’s picking the crow out of his teeth to this day.

Obama touring Petra

Within months of his inauguration, Trump undertook an ambitious sojourn to the Middle East, with scheduled stops in Saudi Arabia and Israel. Then he was off to Europe to visit Belgium, Italy, and the Vatican, saddled with the NATO and G7 summits as last stops.

In comparison, President George W. Bush had by that point in his first term two foreign nations under his belt.  But gadabout Barack Obama earmarked ten separate excursions, including stops in 21 different countries, setting the record as the most-traveled president for any first year in office. What is most disturbing about Obama’s grand tours abroad? The man logged a total of 40 days out of the United States, lingering to press the flesh and take in the sights.

But Trump prefers the sights viewed from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Home Turf

Trump relishes the role of host, and as his advisers have claimed, he strictly curtails proposed time out of the country. Psychologically speaking, he is in his most effective element stateside, in control of meetings and scheduling, including menus and dining times. He’s in familiar surroundings on his home turf, all factors in successfully negotiating as the commander-in-chief.

Symbolically, Trump proudly and personally escorting world leaders around the Executive Mansion and the White House is place-putting for visitors.  And being the president of the United States, with the history of a successful constitutional republic on display for all guests to witness, stirs the envy of most leaders of other nations.

Who wouldn’t want to show off the most famous home office on the planet?

The optics of those visits show a man proud to be an American. They are a direct contrast to his predecessor, who traveled the world, figuratively licking boots, apologizing to allies and enemies, and diminishing the pride of a nation whose streets were once reputed by immigrants to be paved with gold.

Those who voted for Trump are not surprised by his brand of Trumplomacy and are rather delighted the man they cheered on during the campaign is working hard in the trenches, delivering on his promises to Make America Great Again.  They care not if he seeks to lay his head on his own pillow and ditch the fancy days abroad.  They appreciate the man who prefers working for Americans – not trying to ingratiate himself with our enemies.

Trump is a man who savors his American cheeseburger and French fries, and a bit of KFC fried chicken to boot, a diet most Americans, whether they will admit to it or not, tend to follow. So, when he packs condiments on Air Force One to help him through a grueling diplomatic expedition for photo ops on the transnational stage, well, his people will tell you without flinching that ketchup is a vegetable.

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