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“People Are Going to Die” – John Kerry’s 2020 Platform?

Fresh off the road from an exhausting book tour, promoting a rehashed and revised version of his previously published works, John Kerry appears to be searching for something new and exciting to massage his ravenous ego. Perhaps a whisper campaign of a 2020 presidential run will assist him in obtaining those fleeting few moments of fame he once experienced during his 2004 bid to unseat President George W. Bush.

Kerry was recently quite busy, jetting around the world, attempting to undermine President Trump’s withdrawal of the flawed Iran nuclear deal – the deal he himself negotiated many moons ago as Secretary of State – in a case of shadow diplomacy that had conservatives wailing “Logan Act,” in three-part harmony.

But a scant few months later, Kerry, known to be a prickly guy with an aloof demeanor, is promoting a more emotional, mama-bear side. He flung out this statement during a recent interview:

“You know what I’m angry about? People are going to die because of the decision Donald Trump made [to pull out of the Iran JCPOA]. My kids and my grandkids are going to face a difficult world because of what Donald Trump has done.”

Yep, just add him to the long list of Trump haters and Democratic pontificators who desire the Oval Office for their own.

A Kerry Platform

Kerry, besides scrambling to keep his Paris Climate Agreement and Iran nuclear deal legacies alive, is advising newly elected congresspeople to “legislate seriously.” And he had the audacity to express what they should focus on — his platform of climate change, cybersecurity, and the wing-dinger, the issue that “Fifty-one percent of the income of America going to 1% of Americans.”

[perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]Yep, just add him to the long list of Trump haters and Democratic pontificators who desire the Oval Office for their own.[/perfectpullquote]

Yes, this is the man who is married to the condiment queen, Teresa Heinz, worth an estimated $750 million – although those numbers have also been reported to exceed $3 billion. Kerry’s individual net worth is a paltry $320 million. They live a pampered life: The views must be remarkable from a 23-room mansion in Georgetown and a 90-acre country estate in Pennsylvania, among other equally opulent properties. And no warrior of income inequality would be complete without a 76-foot, $7million yacht christened Isabel.

But Kerry’s lofty life doesn’t stop him from dreaming about the good ole days of the Obama administration when the economy tanked and half of the country felt disenfranchised:

“We’ve got to make America fair again. You gotta make things work for working folks so they can pay their bills and send their kids to school, reach the brass ring, retire in dignity, have healthcare – the priorities are pretty clear, in my judgment. We need infrastructure. Desperately. We need to start rebuilding America.”

That’s plain hogwash and insulting to the middle class who pay the piper for Kerry and his 1% ilk, and for keeping the poor on welfare programs. This is not the embodiment of a self-made, up by the boot-straps kind of animal. Kerry is just a whiter shade of pale, pasty privilege. And always has been.

John Forbes Kerry was born into privilege. Although his father was a Foreign Service officer and lawyer in the Army Air Corps, he married up. Kerry’s mother possessed a patrician pedigree as a Massachusetts Forbes; her family made wealthy by trade with China.

Young John benefitted from the Forbes relationship and spent his school years at fancy boarding institutions both abroad and in the U.S., where he picked up a slight British accent and the friendship of Robert Mueller. Yes, that Robert Mueller. WASPs tend to hang together.

Not Right for America

John Kerry got his groove on after succeeding Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. He loved the travel and moniker of a worldly man bent on a one-world globalist society. He once opined on a European State Department junket that he was, as all U.S. diplomats are, “proud Americans, we are also citizens of the world.”

Not much of a nationalist, our John Kerry.

But while his diplomatic popularity on foreign soil blossomed with his command of several languages, and his appetite for snails and such was sated, his obvious Europhilia did not translate well for most of America. And for a few states in the heartland, it was seen as downright sissified affectation.

Let Kerry throw his chapeau into the ring for president and the European press will back him every step of the way. LeMonde, a French daily, has already endorsed him as a “great Francophile” and with certainty, others across the pond and around the globe will follow suit.

But America has a different set of standards for their Commander-in-Chief, as the greatest spectacle in politics, witnessed during the 2016 presidential election, demonstrated.

Perhaps Kerry has not truly determined 2020 is his year, but he has certainly made veiled threats in book tour interviews, while perhaps munching on caviar and toast tips:

“I haven’t ruled it out – I’m just going to think quietly about whether I think it’s … necessary… There’s only so much space for genuine, capable candidates. Do I think I’m capable? Sure – I thought I was very capable and ready to be president 14 years ago.”

Ah, there it is, that prickly feminine side of John Kerry coming out to save the world.

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