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Yale Psychiatrist is 25th Amendment Tool

by | Jan 5, 2018 | The Left

As part of the groundwork in their 2020 electoral campaign, the Democrats are making sure all bases are covered. They will not be using plain old policy and messaging this time, but rather deceit and the courts to snatch victory from an already successful President Trump.

One platform is to try and raise doubts about Trump’s “ability” to hold the office to which he was elected. We have all heard whispered rumors of a 25th Amendment play to bring down the president, and now the pieces are falling into place.

The 25th

The 25th Amendment deals with the succession of office and who can deem the president unfit. The key part is section 4 which states:

“Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.”

The intent of the DNC is to declare Trump unfit (and unable) to discharge the power and duty of office by reason of mental instability. The reality of the situation is that they will never be able to get Mike Pence or a majority of executive departments to go along with it…But they can use it as a weapon of fear in a media campaign to sway voters.

Fiction Becomes Truth

In Mario Puzo’s excellent book, The Fourth K, Congress, in an attempt to remove the president, designate themselves the “other such body” that then has the right to vote on the removal. And this is the reason why the “25th Campaign” is starting right now. With so many elections due before the Big One, it is an opportunity to weight Congress with as many willing participants as they can get on board.

Again, it is not likely to actually take place; it is a media weapon that they can talk about, discuss, debate, and create the “element of doubt” in the mind of the voting public.

Yale Psychologist

Enter one Dr. Bandy X. Lee, a psychiatrist from Yale University who is in the process of promoting her new book, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. Co-authored with 26 other specialists, the book apparently details the near certainty of war and loss of democracy due to Donald Trump’s “pathological narcissism and sociopathy.”

Dr. Lee has visited with lawmakers from the House and Senate and generously diagnosed the president’s mental state without actually even speaking to him. How fortunate. She delivered an address that was apparently well-received and has been booked to speak further to more authority figures.

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) actually bans psychiatrists from making a diagnosis without a direct examination. Not only is this rule in place because the APA believes without a face to face examination, all information is worthless, but they also see it as highly unethical.

Recent rule changes have come about that say members may speak about socio-political topics in general, but not about individuals. The “Goldwater Rule” was originally aimed at stopping psychiatrists giving an “official diagnosis” without an examination.

Yale Psychiatrist Bandy Lee


It has been expanded to say that it is “fine for a psychiatrist to share their expertise about psychiatric issues in general,” but “member psychiatrists should not give professional opinions about the mental state of someone they have not personally evaluated.”

Dr. Lee has broken this rule. The smaller American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA), however, believes that their role should be to help “organize” society and it is therefore acceptable to give a diagnosis.


Lee claims that she is only interested in psychiatry and that she remains unmotivated by politics:

“I am uninterested in partisan politics, I have never registered for a political party,” she said. “Ideology doesn’t interest me.”

Yet in her newly-minted Twitter account, she states that she is working towards a “cause” and that the next steps are coming soon:

“Thanks to all who are supporting our cause!  Not many days into the New Year, I will be meeting with Congressional members, at their invitation, about next steps.   Please know that the bulk of the work is happening behind the scenes.”

What is her cause? What are the next (and previous) steps? And what work is being done “behind the scenes?”

This is just one small part of a larger operation being perpetrated against the American voters. Dr. Lee and her fellow “causers” are acting unethically and against the basic system of democracy. And even worse, the complicit media will be only too happy to help them spread their disinformation.

Read More From Mark Angelides

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