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VIDEO: Deplorables in France – Globalist Macron Condemns Le Pen’s Supporters, Draws Obama’s Endorsement

VIDEO: Deplorables in France – Globalist Macron Condemns Le Pen’s Supporters, Draws Obama’s Endorsement

French establishment/globalist candidate Emanuel Macron, facing a showdown with nationalist Marine Le Pen in Sunday’s presidential election, made Hillary Clinton’s deplorables remark look like polite chatter at a polo match when she she labeled Le Pen’s supporters “the true enemies” of France during Wednesday’s final presidential debate before voters cast their ballots.

U.S. Senate Briefing Set on North Korea

U.S. Senate Briefing Set on North Korea

In a rare and seemingly unprecedented move, the entire United States Senate has been called to the White House for a briefing on North Korea, Reuters reports. While briefing the legislature on foreign relations and matters of national security is not uncommon, this meeting is. Not only has the entire Senate been called, but the standard practice is for White House officials to go to the Senators, not the other way around.