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Weiner Sentenced – But What of His Excuse?

by | Sep 26, 2017 | Law

As it turns out, blaming a 15-year-old girl’s malicious intent is not a sufficient legal defense when charged with the federal crime of transferring obscene materials to minors. Despite his inspired argument that he should face no consequences because the teen set him up, former Congressman Anthony Weiner was sentenced Monday to 21 months in prison. He must surrender to prison officials by November 6.

As previously reported on Liberty Nation, the New York Democrat pled guilty in May and “accepted full responsibility for his actions.” Of course, when his sentencing hearing rolled around in September, Mr. Weiner sang a different tune. He was guilty, and he was sick, but it was that girl’s fault. She initiated contact with him. She took advantage of his condition and reputation to manipulate him – and all so she could sell a story and maybe even influence the 2016 presidential election.

Weiner’s Excuse Failed

Perhaps he should have cried more convincingly. Maybe it’s because he faced a female judge. Whatever explanation Weiner chooses to believe, U.S. District Judge Denise L. Cote just didn’t seem to care that the teenage girl initiated the communications or that she did so with malicious intent. No matter how hard he tried, Anthony Weiner just couldn’t sell himself as the victim.

Weiner tearfully explained his sickness to Judge Cote, even calling the crime his “rock bottom.” His attorney claimed he was undergoing treatment. He even tried to shift blame to the girl. Prosecutors, on the other hand, pointed to his past and the severity of his crime and explained that the victim’s motives were irrelevant to Weiner’s unfortunate choices.

Judge Cote ultimately agreed with the prosecutors, as she should. Anthony Weiner is a 53-year-old grown man. He has no excuse for his behavior – especially not that some random high school girl from another state made him do it. The police set up sting operations for a variety of crimes, including sex crimes. Never have I seen a case in which someone got out of prison time by saying, “but your honor, it was a setup!”

Weiner Got off Easy

Ultimately, Judge Cote still took it easy on him. Anthony Weiner could have faced up to 10 years, a fine, or both. Considering his past and the severity of the crime, he probably should have to do more than just a few months shy of two years. Prosecutors urged Cote to be harder on him. CNBC reports:

“Prosecutors said he sent her porn and got her to take her clothes off and touch herself on Skype. Assistant U.S. Attorney Amanda Kramer on Monday urged Cote to give Weiner a significant prison sentence to end his “tragic cycle” of sexting.”

If Anthony Weiner were some random guy and not a former politician, would he get a mere 21 months for this? Unlikely.

What do you think? Did Anthony Weiner get off easy, or is his sentence fair? What about the girl? Allegedly she planned this final descent in the politician’s downfall from the beginning. Is she really a victim, or should she face consequences of her own?

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