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Trump Voters’ Ballots in the Dumpster

Are President Trump’s fears about mail-in voting coming true?

With the 2020 presidential election looming on the horizon, politicians are digging through their duffle bags looking for extra ammunition against their opponents. Meanwhile, COVID-19 has prompted – or provided an excuse for – lawmakers to make significant changes to the way Americans vote, less than a couple of months away from the big day. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump has repeatedly warned about turning to mail-in voting as the primary means of determining our next commander in chief. It seems he wasn’t just full of hot air as the Democrats would have you believe.

On Monday, Sept. 21, the FBI and Pennsylvania state police questioned election employees about nine completed ballots that had been discarded. At least seven of those ballots were votes for Trump. Luzerne County, Pennsylvania District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis asked for assistance when discarded mail-in ballots were discovered. She expressed concern about “potential issues with a  small number of mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections,” David Freed, U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, said. Freed’s office and the FBI began an investigation, and he confirmed that a “small number of military ballots” were discarded.

The Department of Justice released a statement verifying the find:

“Investigators have recovered nine ballots at this time. Some of those ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot.  Of the nine ballots that were discarded and then recovered, 7 were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump. Two of the discarded ballots had been resealed inside their appropriate envelopes by Luzerne elections staff prior to recovery by the FBI and the contents of those 2 ballots are unknown.”

Wisconsin Voters Go To The Polls

(Photo by Tim Boyle/Getty Images)

Not an Isolated Case

A spokesperson for Freed’s office expounded on the situation, and the gravity of what is happening, saying the ballots “were improperly opened” by county staff. Nine ballots may not seem like much, and if that was the only case, then it wouldn’t be too much to worry about, in the grander scheme of things – though it still means that election employees attempted to disenfranchise nine voters. However, that is not the situation. On Tuesday, Sept. 22, for example, Greenville, WI police found three trays of mail in a ditch near the Appleton International Airport, including absentee ballots. According to the Outagamie County Sheriff’s Office, that batch of mail was “going to the post office.”

Liberty Nation’s Graham J. Noble recently highlighted voter fraud in the state of Georgia where 150,000 state voters requested absentee ballots but also went in person to polling stations on June 9:

“As the secretary of state points out, absentee voting in Georgia has increased to around 50% in this election season, compared to about 5% in previous cycles. When only 5% of voters are using absentee or mail-in ballots, it is easy to argue that elections cannot be stolen, even if those absentee voters cast additional in-person votes. When half the state’s voters are using this obviously mismanaged system, though, the potential problems become exponentially greater.”

On Friday, Sept. 25, Trump said during a speech in Atlanta, GA, that election results would most likely take much longer than Nov. 3 to figure out and predicts a potential court battle, saying: “we may end up in a dispute for a long time.”  The president added:

“You see, they found ballots in a wastepaper basket. They found ballots dumped in a stream. Take a look at Iowa, the primaries. They tried this ballot concept, and they still don’t know who won. It’s a very terrible thing that’s happening, very, very terrible thing.”

The media and the left are slamming the president because, when asked if he would concede an election defeat, Trump said he’d have to wait and see. It wasn’t about being a poor sport, but about whether we can trust the reported vote tallies. These latest incidents are just more proof that the president is not paranoid; there is a very real threat to our voting process.


Read more from Kelli Ballard.


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