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The Great Reset is the Road to Serfdom

The Great Reset is what you get when the state has been deified around the world.

Globalism and statism are interchangeable viral ideologies that have infected the planet’s bloodstream, injecting nations across the globe with the illness of big government control. The only vaccination in the fight against the globalists and the statists is liberty. But liberty has turned into an alien concept as it has been lost piecemeal, voluntarily conceded by a population desperate for a modicum of security and certainty.

The coronavirus pandemic has served as the perfect backdrop to advance the true fascist agenda. Even if COVID-19 had been vanquished back to the wet markets in Wuhan, you would be gullible to think the elite would saunter quietly into the night. The public gladly handing over their freedom has whetted the appetite of the power-hungry globalists, and it is feeding time for these new world order megalomaniacs. We were warned as the world started down The Road to Serfdom.

The Road to Serfdom

Friedrich Hayek

In 1944, legendary economist Friedrich Hayek exposed the concept of central planning, the intentions of the politicians and bureaucrats, and the fallout of supplying the worst people in the world with unlimited power. To wit, Hayek’s thesis in The Road to Serfdom was that intervention begets intervention and that the road to political hell is paved with good intentions.

For decades, the nubile idea that governs the thinking of the central planners is that we can design the social order as if life were a computer program, requiring Python coding to establish society into however the nonpareil elite in Davos, Switzerland desire. Mandates, regulations, and totalitarianism all share the same objective of coercion and force people to abide by their rules, no matter how objectionable or asinine. We are a monolith, they are the autonomous anointed.

Hayek averred that the rulers, whether they are democratic statesmen or totalitarian dictators, believe they can direct the social order. This, he stated, begins with collectivist economic policymaking and the plethora of schemes that are manufactured and marketed to save us. In true Hayekian fashion, the eminent economist dismissed any concerns of malice or nefarious motives, instead choosing to demonstrate that socialist intervention triggers a series of unintended consequences. He noted that the computational management of countries and economies supersedes individualism and freedom.

We have seen this today in the United States and abroad. Joe Biden wants to “build back better,” Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau championed a reset in the broader economy to tackle climate change. The World Economic Forum aims to shape the new normal so that “you’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.” TIME postulated on “how to build a better world post-COVID-19.” Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wants to carve out a new path for capitalism. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) wants a $90 trillion Green New Deal.

So, how do they realize their blueprint of fascism? The erosion of liberty, higher taxation, and the surrendering of the benefits of Western civilization. Of course, only you are expected to participate in these socialist schemes, never the propagators of these vile proposals. Indeed, the pontification in the mainstream press and these WEF reports should be ample evidence that Hayek was right: The very worst do get to the top.

A History of The Great Reset

It is specious to suggest that the power brokers recently convened on Zoom and agreed to promote The Great Reset. The plan has been in the making for a long time, going back as far as the commencement of the first United Nations General Assembly meeting. Every time a crisis cripples a city, state, nation, or the world, the power players execute their grandiose agenda, refusing to let that crisis slip through their fingers. Former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt exploited the Great Depression to overhaul the fabric of the nation, while former President George W. Bush transformed the U.S. into a surveillance state, using the tragic events of September 11, 2001, as a pretext.

Indeed, the primary aim of The Great Reset has been to establish a form of world government, or, at the very least, an imprisoned populace. All you need to do is take a gander at the globe today to see the myriad of one-world initiatives, from the Paris Accord to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to the expansion of NATO to global organizations that require billions in taxpayer money to sustain themselves.

Acolytes of The Great Reset employ a diverse array of propaganda tactics to generate a uniform opinion. If you care about the planet, you will support the Paris Climate Agreement. If you are against Russian aggression in Europe, you will endorse an even larger NATO. If you care about third-world countries, you will agree to redistribute the wealth from prosperous lands to entities like the UN. You must concur for the greater good, justifying the use of force to ensure that the greater good is seen.

“In a planned system we cannot confine collective action to the tasks on which we agree, but are forced to produce agreement on everything in order that any action can be taken at all,” Hayek wrote.

The other strategy, he explained, is to modify language, including the very definition of freedom:

“…the word ‘freedom’ was subjected to a subtle change in meaning. The word had formerly meant freedom from coercion, from the arbitrary power of other men. Now it was made to mean freedom from necessity, release from the compulsion of the circumstances which inevitably limit the range of choice of all of us. Freedom in this sense is, of course, merely another name for power or wealth. The demand for the new freedom was thus only another name for the old demand for a redistribution of wealth.”

And, of course, what better time to initiate this indoctrination blitzkrieg than in the government-run school system and in the mainstream media? By the time students complete their 12 years in the state’s education facilities, they will have never been exposed to any competing ideas, whether it is pertaining to global warming or transgenderism. This explains why there is such intense pushback on college campuses when students hear opposing views, causing the youth to censor their peers for possessing a differing opinion. Once they leave school, they turn on cable news and are fed a steady diet of items on the 3×5 card of allowable opinion they were taught.

Put simply, The Great Reset is part of a broader context that goes beyond COVID-19.

The Fatal Conceit

Over the years, the World Economic Forum and its partners have taken great pleasure in dreaming of how to engineer society to their liking.

In November 2016, the WEF published “8 predictions for the world in 2030,” projecting a global price on carbon, falling meat consumption, and that “the values that built the West will have been tested to breaking point.” But this is the fatal conceit that Hayek had discussed throughout his career, which is the concept that fundamental changes to a classical liberal system “are doomed to fail” in a neoteric world because of its customs and traditions. The very ones that the globalists are attempting to eviscerate, but human spontaneity can never be planned or controlled.

Will the global government fetishists be victorious? They are certainly putting everything they have into this Great Reset hogwash, using the tool of public policy to enact their aims from years past. But Hayek was always confident that freedom would win out, arguing that “individual freedom cannot be reconciled with the supremacy of one single purpose to which the whole of society is permanently subordinated.” History may be on his side as despotic regimes have always crumbled under the weight of liberty.


Read more from Andrew Moran.


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