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The Childish Display of the Left – Screamfest!

by | Oct 31, 2017 | The Left

Donald Trump was elected president one year ago on November 8 – how are you going to commemorate the day?  Well, if you’re a liberal, you just may join the thousands of crybabies who will “scream helplessly at the sky.”  Yes, this is an actual planned event!

One of the events will be held at 7 p.m. at Washington Square Park in New York City, NY. The idea is to give everyone frustrated with the Trump Administration an opportunity to scream out their frustration. Nathan Wahl created a Facebook event page with the following description:

“Join us cucks and snowflakes, safe spacers and libtards, as we enjoy a collective cathartic yell into the heavens about our current political establishment.”

Facebook Sensation

Currently, according to the Facebook page, there are 2,400 people going and 15,000 interested. That’s a lot of whining and screaming, folks!

Wahl said he created the event as a kind of anger management. He likened dealing with the current politics with building Ikea furniture:

“It’s like… it’s like the feeling you have when you’ve been building Ikea furniture for three hours, and it’s late, and you feel like you’re getting nowhere, and you were almost done, but then you realized you put a piece on backwards and you have to take almost the entire thing apart and you just wannafu**ing SCREAM. That’s what we’re doing — we’re screaming because living in America feels like building Ikea furniture.”

Nice imagery. Can’t you just see a full-grown man throwing a temper tantrum, screaming and pounding his hands and feet on the floor because he can’t put together a four-drawer dresser? Wahl seems to have problems with domestic living; judging by his analogies on dealing with current politics:

“I can’t keep up with it all. Every time I think of the laundry list of social injustices on top of my own sh*t like my actual laundry I get overwhelmed. Every news notification on my phone is a reminder of something over which I am powerless. And I think a lot of people feel that way. So f**k me for thinking it’d be nice to yell about it.”

Seems to me, Wahl needs to figure out a better system for doing his laundry, or ask his mommy to do it for him.

The “screaming” event was not created by Wahl, although he did take up the reins to create it in New York. It was created in Boston by Johanna Schulman. People will gather at the Boston Common to shriek out their so-called injustices to the sky.

Schulman told Newsweek “This administration has attacked everything about what it means to be American. Who wouldn’t feel helpless every day? Coming together reminds us that we are not alone, that we are part of an enormous community of activists who are motivated and angry, whose actions can make a difference.”

Nationwide Idiocy

I’m not quite sure what screaming at the sky will do to make a difference, but Libs around the nation are jumping on the crybaby wagon. More than 5,000 people have RSVPed for Boston, and more than 500 said they are going to the event in Philadelphia.  There are also planned events in Chicago, and the organizers of the screaming hissy fit demonstrations are asking everyone to shout from their backyards if they can’t make an event.

Get your popcorn ready.  Wear some comfy clothes (so your belly doesn’t hurt too much from laughing), and buy a few boxes of pacifiers to hand out to crybaby Trump-haters. It’s going to be the biggest sh*t show of temper tantrums yet.

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Kelli Ballard

National Correspondent

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