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Google Under Fire for Discrimination

Google Under Fire for Discrimination

Google has metastasized into a Ministry of Truth, espousing and implementing the various politically correct doctrines of the left. Despite attempting to be a crusader for social justice, Google has been facing a series of gender pay controversies and privacy lawsuits...
The Progressive Veil and the Inferiority of Men

The Progressive Veil and the Inferiority of Men

A prominent aspect of the progressive ethos is that women are superior to men. Yes, you heard that right. They believe that men are inferior beings. How so? Consider a common claim promulgated by feminism: anything a man can do a woman can do equally well. That’s the...
Google: Conservative Site Persecution?

Google: Conservative Site Persecution?

You’ve likely heard the adage: Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. If such is the case, the smoldering flames of Google’s suppression of conservative websites through search engine results just got doused with a gallon of accelerant. This is not radical news to those...
The Beginning of an AI Arms Race?

The Beginning of an AI Arms Race?

IBM and MIT recently announced a plan to spend $240 million over the next ten years to develop a new MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab. The lab focuses on advancing four research pillars: AI algorithms, the physics of AI, application of AI to industries, and advancing shared...