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Trump Lambasts Google’s Leftist Bias

Trump Lambasts Google’s Leftist Bias

 As I sat down to write this article, I cleared my cache, search history, cookies, etc. and restarted my computer. I then went to Google and typed in the query “google bias.” The top results recommended to me were a thoroughly pro-Google article from the...
Progressive War on Jobs Targets Google

Progressive War on Jobs Targets Google

It’s another day that ends in “y,” so that means another progressive boondoggle is upon us. Progressives have become so woke that they believe taxing employment will create prosperity for all. Forget fostering a pro-business environment; you just need to...
Google’s Discrimination and Diversity Wars

Google’s Discrimination and Diversity Wars

If you’re multi-tasking, click here for an audio version:  Too much diversity, not enough diversity; this is a balance that Google just can’t seem get right. Like many businesses, the tech giant has a policy of increasing gender and racial diversity in the workplace...