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Clinton Funding of Trump Dossier a Tangled Web

Clinton Funding of Trump Dossier a Tangled Web

New reports in the media suggest that the Hillary Clinton presidential election campaign helped fund the production of a now infamous, though questionable, dossier on President Donald Trump. The file itself was compiled by a former British intelligence officer with...
Travel Bans, Russiagate, And More!

Travel Bans, Russiagate, And More!

Talkin’ Liberty is the segment of Liberty Nation Radio where Tim and I focus on a few of the week’s stories affecting our liberty that deserve a little more focus or may have been overlooked in part or whole.  Here is the latest episode where we go over...
Mad Maxine Waters Ready to “Take Out” Trump

Mad Maxine Waters Ready to “Take Out” Trump

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is at it again. She never disappoints with her hyperbolic bloviating rhetoric. The California congresswoman who bears a striking resemblance to James Brown in drag (something about that hair) says she wants to “take out Trump.” Mad Max...
Donald Trump: Up Close and Personal

Donald Trump: Up Close and Personal

Starting at the top can sometimes be crippling rather than empowering. Such is the case for President Donald Trump who never held public office and was considered by the mainstream political class to be the longest of longshots for President of the United States. One...