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Results for "election"

100 Days: The Surveillance State and Trump

100 Days: The Surveillance State and Trump

Many people who were aghast at the idea of Hillary “Hack My Emails Please” Clinton in the Oval Office saw Donald Trump as the one who would preserve liberty. Trump himself claimed to value privacy, and took to Twitter to condemn the fact that his own affairs were spied on by the government before the election. But is he really in favor of the constitutional right to privacy, or is he furthering the surveillance state? And how have his actions as President in this first one hundred days lined up with his campaign promises on the privacy front?

Weaponized Autism: The Crowdsourced Intelligence Phenomenon

Weaponized Autism: The Crowdsourced Intelligence Phenomenon

n this era of fake news, disinformation, outright lies, and media bias, it can be difficult to find truth – even from the institutions that are supposed to be reporting it. In the last few years, however, an alternative has risen from the citizenry itself, driven by what’s called weaponized autism.

Partial Verdict Announced In The First Bundy Ranch Trial

Partial Verdict Announced In The First Bundy Ranch Trial

A jury delivered a verdict today against six men charged with conspiring against the United States, as well as assault on federal officers, for their part in the 2014 Bundy Ranch Standoff. The case has been hotly contested by those who say that the men were defending themselves against government agents who assaulted, tazed, and threatened them.

DNC Chairman Takes a Hard Left Turn on Abortion

DNC Chairman Takes a Hard Left Turn on Abortion

New Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez has had a bit of a tough weekend in the world of social media. His statement, Friday, about the party’s stance on abortion – and his implied intention to withhold support from pro-life candidates – has effectively alienated many democrat voters and even several elected Democratic politicians. His statement also represents the party’s continued shift to the extreme left.