Say What is the segment of Liberty Nation Radio where we unveil some of the most wacky, astonishing and damnable things uttered by politicians and the chattering class. Here is the latest episode:
Tim Donner: Creating false crises has become a specialty of a left wing in America that’s becoming more frustrated by President Trump with each passing week. Frustrated to the breaking point by a surging and roaring economy, record low unemployment numbers across the board, and this week a new stronger trade deal with Mexico that’s likely to be followed up by another deal with Canada, and suppress all that talk about trade wars the left hoped would break out with Trump’s hard line trade policy leveraging America’s strength. And based on the simple reality, the countries of the world are more dependent on the U.S. than we are on them.
So, the left retreated to their usual place of being offended by everyday language from the newly minted Republican gubernatorial nominee in Florida. Here is the famous “monkey-up” line from Ron DeSantis calling for a continuation of current Florida Republican governor’s economic success, and the reaction from his progressive Democrat opponent, Andrew Gillum.
Ron DeSantis: The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.
Andrew Gillum: It’s very clear that Mr. DeSantis is taking a page directly from the campaign manual of Donald Trump. In the handbook of Donald Trump, they no longer do whistle calls, they’re now using full bullhorn.
Tim: But that was just political speak. It was echoed and embellished by leftist media and academic elites across the country like Eddie Glaude of Princeton condemning the whole country under the withering questioning of Mika Brzezinski on MSNBC’s barely watched show, Morning Joe.

Eddie Glaude
Eddie Glaude: It’s obviously a racial dog whistle, but we’re at a crossroads. We’ve been at crossroads before. The Civil War, Reconstruction, the New Deal, the Civil Rights Movement. And each moment in which we’re at a crossroads something changed but we’ve always doubled back down. Doubled down on our prejudices. So here we are once again, we are right back where we’ve always been, where we have to make a decision whether or not we’re going to be a racist nation.
Tim: Well I didn’t know we could make a snap decision on being racist like that. I guess I vote for not being a racist nation. But ,of course, we are a racist nation, never mind that almost a million people gave their lives in the Civil War that ended slavery. Now to Mr. Glaude and his fellow neo-Marxist faculty lounge academic Ivy League elites, we are not a racist nation, but rather a nation containing some racists like all other nations. But actual racist nations, if there are such a thing, don’t sacrifice the lives of a million people, most of them white, to end black slavery. Mr. Glaude, you can even look it up.
But the insanity on the left was just as perfectly embodied on ESPN, which is supposed to be a sports channel but now fancies itself a vessel for social justice warriors. It all started with this seemingly innocent and diplomatic statement by golfing legend Tiger Woods after finishing play in the latest PGA tour event when asked about Donald Trump.
Tiger Woods: He’s the President of the United States and you have to respect the office and no matter who is in the office. You may like, dislike personality or the politics, but we all must respect the office.
Reporter: Do you have anything more broadly to say about the state, I guess the discourse, of racial issues.
Tiger Woods: No. I just finished 72 holes and really hungry.
Tim: I personally love that last part. Just finished 72 holes and I’m really hungry…sidestepping the waiting land mind planted by that reporter. But listen to the outrage from ESPN angry privileged white guy Max Kellerman and perpetually angry black guy, Stephen A. Smith.
Max Kellerman: I’m angry at what Tiger Woods said. He either holds in contempt the intelligence of the people who hear it, or else it’s just a stupid thing to say. If to say that the office, you must have respect for the office, Tiger, be clear, are you saying that the office therefore confers respect onto its occupant? Tiger, is that what you’re saying? If that’s what you’re saying, that is a stupid comment.
Steven A. Smith: We don’t know what Tiger Woods believe, he’s Cablinasian, he’s not black…
Tim: So, I guess when Tiger wins a big tournament, he’s black, but when he refuses to condemn Donald Trump he’s not black. And, really, what’s most remarkable about that white guy Max Kellerman is his breathtaking lack of self-awareness, convincing himself that anyone cares what he thinks about politics. Maybe that’s why ESPN’s viewership has been dropping like a rock for the last couple of years. The price of being part of the resistance I suppose.
But there’s even greater lunacy from the left this week. Listen to the most appropriately named man on TV, Don Lemon of CNN, extol the virtues of the violent fascistic anti-fascist group Antifa.
Don Lemon: It says it right in the name, Antifa, anti-fascism which is what they were there fighting. Listen, there’s … no organization is perfect, there was some violence, no one condones the violence, but there were different reasons for Antifa and for these neo-Nazis to be there. One racist fascists, the other group fighting racist fascists. There is a distinction there.
Tim: There’s some violence? Some violence? Is Mr. Lemonade aware that Antifa members who claim to be anti-fascist protect their identity with hoods just like the KKK, wear all black outfits just like Mussolini’s roving gangs of thugs, and beat people bloody for espousing the wrong political views in public and private. Just like in Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy. If you want proof of the left’s historic ties to fascism, go see Dinesh D’Souza’s latest movie, Death of a Nation.
But we saved the biggest whopper of a Say What for last. This is NBC’s diminutive host of Meet the Press, Chuck Todd, dismissing the notion of media bias as he discusses it with a reporter from the Christian Broadcasting Network.
Panelist: One of the best things going in Donald Trump’s favor, we know this, is the mainstream media. I hate to say it, I know I’m sitting on a Meet the Press roundtable, but the truth of the matter is 62% think the media is biased. So, in other words, if you look at the approval rating of Donald Trump, the approval rating of media …

Chuck Todd
Chuck Todd: (interrupts) Well, the conservative echo chamber created that environment. It’s not … no, no, no, I mean it has been a tactic and a tool of the Roger Ailes’ created [crosstalk 00:07:28]. Let’s not pretend it’s not anything other than that.
Panelist: Independents also distrust the media, this is not just Republicans. It is many Americans across the…
Chuck Todd: (interrupts again) Oh, no, no, no, I take your point. I’m just saying it was a creation … it was a campaign tactic, it’s not based on much.
Tim: Media bias…just a campaign talking point…not based on much…the lack of self-awareness and blindness to what normal, regular Americans see as obvious, like so many of his fellow travelers in the biased elite media, Mr. Todd is utterly clueless.