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Trump Administration

FBI’s Most Wanted: A New Director

FBI’s Most Wanted: A New Director

That low-lying ground where water collects known as The Swamp is saturated in whispers and intrigue today as candidates for a new FBI Director line up for the job as America’s top cop. And every news outlet in and around Washington claims to have the inside scoop. Here’s the latest:

Ryan Zinke Makes Dept. of Interior a Dog-Friendly Workplace

Ryan Zinke Makes Dept. of Interior a Dog-Friendly Workplace

It appears that the dog days of summer have arrived early for Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and his employees as a different breed (er, breeds) walked the halls, drooling, hand licking and shamelessly searching for treats while spreading joy and love to all, just this Friday. Yes, the Interior Department is the first government agency to launch ‘bring your doggy to work day officially,’ and it was butt-wiggling, tail wagging success.

Healthcare Bill Passes: House Hands Trump First Legislative Victory

Healthcare Bill Passes: House Hands Trump First Legislative Victory

The US House of Representatives voted narrowly for approval of the revised American Health Care Act on Thursday, finally passing legislation which had failed to gain a majority twice in recent weeks. The bill repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) passed by a vote of 217-213 – a scant one vote more than necessary – and now goes to the Senate, where it likely faces an even stiffer challenge and a fresh round of revisions.