We are still a long way from the home stretch, and this race for the soul of America is far from over.
Trump Administration
The Millennial View: Travel Ban Not Racist
Where were the mass protests, twenty-four hour media attention, and concern for Syrian refugges in the past five years?
Big Pharma on the Hot Seat
In a breathless quest to turn campaign promises into action, President Donald Trump met with the fat cats from...
Because of 45
Donald Trump grew the GOP a backbone.
Trump & Gorsuch: How Will Schumer Choose to Lose?
Democrats cannot win this fight, but how they choose to lose will reveal whether they have learned anything from their stunning rebuke by the voters.
Trump’s Regulation Rehab
An executive order that forces any government agency creating new regulations to repeal two existing ones.
Sally Yates Takes Grandstanding to a New Level
The left creates a new martyr for the cause.
Steve Bannon – The Liberals’ Boogeyman
Admittedly, Mr. Bannon is something of an enigma. Perhaps now we know why.
Trump’s Groundbreaking Executive Order
Wielding the power of the pen, he has signed nearly a dozen executive orders within his first week in office. Let’s take an in-depth look at his first groundbreaking order.