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LN Radio 4/25/21 – Following Floyd

LN Radio 4/25/21 – Following Floyd

The nation takes a deep breath following the triple conviction of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, but as leftists of every stripe run to the cameras to proclaim that this guilty verdict is but a small step toward the kind of racial justice they’re demanding, we look at where the racial justice warriors might strike next, and how this verdict will affect the rest of America. We will examine how the trial was conducted, and whether the jury was intimidated into their verdicts. We’re joined in the analysis by a crack duo from LibertyNation.com – Socio-Political Correspondent Jeff Charles and Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza. Plus, as George W. Bush breaks his long silence and re-emerges on the public stage, does it set the stage for a true civil war in the Republican party – Trumpists vs. Bushies?