Mike Pompeo confirmed as the new head of the State Department despite Democrats opposition.
Important Stuff: Collusion – WATCH NOW
Join Liberty Nation’s Graham J. Noble as he discusses who is really behind the collusion and Hillary’s loss to Trump.
CNN’s Jim Acosta Has His Deplorable Moment
Jim Acosta thinks Trump has voters fooled.
Bombshell: Clinton Campaign Laundered $84M? – WATCH NOW
Join Liberty Nation staff as they as they talk about how the Clinton campaign may have laundered $84 million.
Who is Wasserman’s Mystery Man?
Wasserman-Schultz and her illegal dealings should be held accountable.
Bombshell: Clinton Campaign Laundered $84M
Clinton campaign in hot water for laundering millions of dollars.
Republicans Hold on in Arizona Special Election
The GOP answers the blue wave.
Indoctrinate Kids and Get Them Voting! – WATCH NOW
Liberty Nation’s Mark Angelides and Sarah Cowgill tackle l6-year-olds gaining the right to vote in federal elections.
Jordan Peterson: the Political Message of Twelve Rules for Life
Jordan Peterson’s view on society and its relation to family.