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The Cry from the Left: Trump Delenda Est

The Cry from the Left: Trump Delenda Est

How to explain this seeming departure from the normal American pattern of accepting the electoral facts, and then continuing the fight in the various constitutional and other forums the system provides? Why is it so different this time? Why are presidential tax returns more important than an eyeball to eyeball confrontation in Northeast Asia? Why must we place the travel and residential preferences of non-US citizens over the security of Americans? Why must non-leftists be barred from the Supreme Court?

Why Is America So Fascinated With Jared Kushner?

Why Is America So Fascinated With Jared Kushner?

With his boyish good looks, fat wallet, and the hottest chick in America on his arm, Jared Kushner is emerging as the boy-wonder in the Trump administration. From his cushy west wing office (a very short walk from the Oval Office), the all-access pass to meetings with foreign leaders and the ability to jettison off to the middle east for a boots on the ground scoop from the troops, young Mr. Kushner is garnering attention from the left, right and all points in between. And it appears that his presence, so prominent in Trumpville, is irritating absolutely everyone who have had the unfortunate fate of crossing his path.

WaPo Claims Trump Won Due To Racism, But Poll Deceptive

WaPo Claims Trump Won Due To Racism, But Poll Deceptive

Like the fabled boy who cried “wolf,” leftists have distorted and overused the ‘racist’ label to the point where all accusations of racism are viewed with skepticism. The victims of such a tactic are, of course, people – of any race – who become targets of actual racism.

Is Conservatarianism The Future Of The GOP? Part 2: Foreign Policy

Is Conservatarianism The Future Of The GOP? Part 2: Foreign Policy

This is the second of a three-part series on Conservatarianism, the blending of conservative and libertarian ideologies within the new Republican party. In the first part, Charles C.W. Cooke of National Review, author of The Conservatarian Manifesto, discussed the areas of agreement between the two sides. This section examines their major differences on the US role in the world.

Leftist Students Claim Truth Is A Tool Of White Supremacy

Leftist Students Claim Truth Is A Tool Of White Supremacy

What is ‘Truth’? According to radical leftist students at Pomona College in California, it is nothing more than a concept used by white imperialists to maintain their power. In a recent letter to College President David Oxtoby, the students utterly reject both truth and free speech. What they are really saying, however, is that only their truth matters and only their free speech should be permitted.

Do Special Election Results Spell Trouble For The GOP?

Do Special Election Results Spell Trouble For The GOP?

They are typically dismissed as a minor news story because in most cases, the replacement politician is from the same party as the outgoing leader, and the balance of power in Washington remains the same. This was also the case recently in Kansas, where a Republican replaced a Republican, but the deeper story reveals an ominous possibility for the GOP in 2018.