Are his words motivated by political chess or by a desire to protect the intelligence community; specifically, the FBI?
Deep State
Comey Proves One Can Be Deceptive While Telling The Truth
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey testified Monday morning before a congressional hearing that there was “no information that supports” tweets by President Donald Trump claiming his communications were spied on by the previous administration. Director Comey, however, is being deceptive.
Judicial Watch Files Lawsuit Against CIA and DOJ on Russia Leaks
Judicial Watch has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against a number of government agencies in an effort to procure records “related to the investigation of retired United States Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn’s communications with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak,” they reported late Tuesday afternoon.
You Are Under Surveillance: Wikileaks Exposes the CIA
It turns out that complete government cyber surveillance isn’t a science fiction movie plot after all. Now it’s a verifiable fact, and people like former CIA agent Bill Binney are somewhere between screaming “I told you so!” and feeling the weight of this horrifying reality sink down deep onto their shoulders. YOU, Mr. and Ms. American, are under surveillance — even in your home.
WikiLeaks Explosion Rocks CIA
After the Snowden affair, even ordinary Americans began to feel a bit hinky about the U.S. government’s ability to know what they watch, say, write and do. Still, most people simply tried to joke about it and laugh it off. But after yesterday’s announcement by WikiLeaks that it plans to begin a “new series of leaks on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency,” Americans may no longer find this a laughing matter.
The Deep State’s Beef With Russia
One of the most powerful obstacles to US-Russia relations is not Russia or Vladimir Putin; it is the Deep State.
Big Brother and The Fourth Estate
An entire framework of ongoing government surveillance specifically targeting journalists.