In an election that was predicted to be too close to call, Brandon Johnson beat out Paul Vallas to become the...
Results for "COVID"
Whatever Happened to the American Dream?
America, the land of the free and the home of the brave; the place in which everyone wants to live, right? It is...
McCarthy’s Dire Warning of Looming Debt Ceiling Disaster
The federal government hit the $31.4 trillion debt ceiling in January. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen enacted...
Washington Plays the Silicon Valley Bank Blame Game
It has been a few weeks since the failures of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), Signature Bank, and Silvergate...
US Food Inflation to Persist in 2023, USDA Forecasts
US food inflation is getting so out of hand that dollar stores are pulling eggs from their shelves because they...
Joe Biden’s Invest in America Roadshow Will be a Hard Sell
During the 2020 presidential election race, Joe Biden barely campaigned at all but the next time around he will...
Gloves Off: All in for 2024, DeSantis Rips Into Trump
"I have what it takes to be president and I can beat Biden.” With that bold declaration in an interview with...
Alvin Bragg, His Record, and the Shaky Trump Indictment
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg wasted no time getting to work after he took his position in January...
Feminization of US University Life Will Bring Societal Change
“The Great Feminization of the American university” is all but complete, a female scholar asserts in an...