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Results for "gun control"

LN Radio 10/8/17 – Nigel Farage and The Populist Revolution

LN Radio 10/8/17 – Nigel Farage and The Populist Revolution

Brexit Leader Nigel Farage joins us for an exclusive interview about the populist uprising stoked by him and Donald Trump.  The brother of Stephen Paddock, perpetrator of the Las Vegas Massacre, makes a series of bizarre and dismissive statements about his brother.  LN’s Scott Cosenza discusses the latest gun control demands from the left.

Second Amendment Gains Ground in Iowa

Second Amendment Gains Ground in Iowa

The State of Iowa has taken bold steps to advance the cause of the Second Amendment, and according to The Des Moines Register, there is more to come. With any luck, the new federal government under the Trump administration and the Supreme Court will adopt the Iowa state motto: “‘Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.” Perhaps the Gun Control Act of 1968 and others will be revisited with a closer eye to the framers’ clear language and intent.