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Results for "tax"

Trump Tries Again With Healthcare

Trump Tries Again With Healthcare

While we may not have a real budget hawk in the White House, we at least have someone committed to preventing the deficit from growing. As he heads back into the legislative arena for round two on health care, the stakes are even higher than the previous fight. A second knockout would devastate Trump. Perhaps bargaining the health care plan against the promise of tax cuts is the winning combo for a victory against his old nemesis Senator Cruz.

Gorsuch Faces His First SCOTUS Case

Gorsuch Faces His First SCOTUS Case

The United States Supreme Court has a full complement of Justices once again. President Trump’s new appointee, Neil Gorsuch, will face his first high-profile test Wednesday when the court hears a religious freedom case that also has implications for the limit of states’ rights. The final ruling of the court may be overshadowed, however, by analysis of Gorsuch’s opinion.

Is Cash Still King? IMF Looks To De-Cash

Is Cash Still King? IMF Looks To De-Cash

A senior economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has published a working paper entitled “The Macroeconomics of De-Cashing.” In his twenty-six-page paper, Alexei Kireyev outlines what governments need to do to establish a cashless society and why it helps states to adopt such a world. This is essentially the blueprint for the war on cash, a battle that has certainly escalated in the last two years.

A White House Easter Egg Roll Panchatantra

A White House Easter Egg Roll Panchatantra

The American Egg Board is at the ready with – wait for it – thirty thousand eggs donated for the event, fifteen thousand of which will be dyed and transported across the South Lawn of the White House by little kids with spoons in their mouths. (Please don’t ask me how that got started – I haven’t a clue but if you Google it and find out, let me know in our comments section.) And the other fifteen thousand will be boiled and put on a stick. It’ll be an egg pop of sorts.

How The Left Ruined The Senate

How The Left Ruined The Senate

The Republican maneuver in response to Schumer – changing Senate rules to assure confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the high court – may well signal that the last vestiges of deliberative bipartisanship will soon disappear from the upper chamber.

An American Good Friday Message

An American Good Friday Message

As Holy Week approaches its pinnacle, it is well worth pondering the question of what, if any, relationship the Christian Gospel has to the establishment of these United States. The answer cannot simply be found in the fact that most of the founding fathers were professing Christians. Many nations – and empires – were ruled by legacy Christians whose yoke, unlike that of Jesus, was not easy nor the burden light.