The danger in abandoning individual rights for social justice.
Results for "devos"
Trump’s Top 10 Achievements for 2018
The big wins for President Trump this year.
Planned Parenthood Calls for Politics-Free Exam Rooms
It’s time to get politics out of healthcare? Sure, let’s start by defunding Planned Parenthood!
ACLU Objects to Due Process
Trump administration kills Obama’s SJW college rules.
LN Radio 9/9/18 – The Senate’s Confirmation Theater
Virtue-signaling Senate leftists use the Kavanaugh hearing to launch presidential campaigns. Plus, “anonymous,” Bob Woodward’s fictional non-fiction and campus kangaroo courts.
Are Teachers Underpaid in America?
A new poll finds most Americans say teachers are underpaid. But are they?
Student Walkouts: A Tool for the Left
Student walkouts are a dangerous ploy the left uses.
Education Atrocities: Essays from Hell
We must hope and pray that Secretary DeVos has something up her sleeve to fix a defective education system that needs to be resuscitated quickly.
MAGA Year One – Report on Civil Liberties
How have liberties done under the first year of a Trump presidency?