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Results for "jan 6"

100 Days: Trump’s Greatest Victory So Far – The Economy

100 Days: Trump’s Greatest Victory So Far – The Economy

The finance industry has a term called the 100-Day Moving Average which traders use to evaluate both individual stocks and the market as a whole. What is President’s Trumps 100-Day Moving Average when it comes to the economy? You can base this off emotion and headlines, or, like any trader worth their portfolio, you can base it off of data. When we look at the actual numbers, it is clear that President Trump has enjoyed a tremendously successful first hundred days in office.

How Higher Minimum Wage Affects Lower Quality Restaurants

How Higher Minimum Wage Affects Lower Quality Restaurants

The minimum wage – or as legendary free-market economist Murray Rothbard called it “compulsory unemployment” – will result in more restaurants shutting their doors, says a new study by Harvard University economists entitled “Survival of the Fittest: The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Firm Exit.” With labor costs surging, driven by higher minimum wages, a greater number of restaurants will face ruination.

Did Americans Elect A Family To The Presidency?

Did Americans Elect A Family To The Presidency?

Jared Kushner is a man who, thus far, has avoided the limelight but – at some point – he will have to take responsibility for failures, or successes, in the policy areas now under his influence. The rise or fall of his fortunes as a close confidante of the president will tell us all we need to know about how Donald Trump will square America’s interests with his loyalty to family.