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LN Radio 8/9/20 – Joe Biden Can Run, But Can He Hide?

LN Radio 8/9/20 – Joe Biden Can Run, But Can He Hide?

Joe Biden can run, but can he hide for the rest of the presidential campaign? With the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee holed up in his basement doing only the occasional friendly interview, we consider the question of when and how he needs to emerge, and we examine the state of the presidential race via polls and oddsmakers with LibertyNation.com Managing Editor Mark Angelides. Plus. The 1619 Project, once a radical vanity project of the NY Times, is now gaining frightening currency as radicals dominate the national conversation. LibertyNation.com International Correspondent Onar Am joins us to discuss what the 1619 Project is, and how it turns history on its head. And LN Legal Affairs Editor Scott Cosenza details the attempt by the NY State Attorney General to kneecap the NRA.