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Results for "federal reserve"

100 Days: The Surveillance State and Trump

100 Days: The Surveillance State and Trump

Many people who were aghast at the idea of Hillary “Hack My Emails Please” Clinton in the Oval Office saw Donald Trump as the one who would preserve liberty. Trump himself claimed to value privacy, and took to Twitter to condemn the fact that his own affairs were spied on by the government before the election. But is he really in favor of the constitutional right to privacy, or is he furthering the surveillance state? And how have his actions as President in this first one hundred days lined up with his campaign promises on the privacy front?

Safeguarding Your Money with Alternative Investments – Part 2

Safeguarding Your Money with Alternative Investments – Part 2

The little FDIC sticker on your bank’s door means that you are protected if the bank collapses and loses your money. Should that happen, the federal government has promised to step in and reimburse what you lost. The catch is that this is limited to one hundred thousand dollars. Want to know another fact about the FDIC? They do not insure your investments – at all. So, if the guy running your 401(k) pulls a Bernie Madoff (or a Bernie Sanders) and takes all your money, you are out of luck.