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Outclassed, Outplayed, and Outrallied: Avenatti Tries to Take On Trump

Michael Avenatti plans to hold an event to counter what is sure to be a gloriously standing room only Trump rally in Texas for Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) next month.  Avenatti, infamous for representing porn star Stormy Daniels, has called on his supporters to “fight fire with fire.”

Imagine the crowd he will draw.

Trump, unfazed by the bald-headed barrister, is scouting locations for his blowout Lone Star party and tweeted recently “I’m picking the biggest stadium” in the state:

Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Cover-Dude

Michael Avenatti is nothing if not completely full of himself.  In a recent phone interview by Vanity Fair, he more than lived up to the publication’s name when he stated, “I’ve always believed that the way one looks, for good or bad, is seen as a reflection of their capabilities.”
And does he ever work that angle: Brioni ties, custom Tom Ford suits – he even boasts of a simple moisturizing skin care routine.

Oh, and he wants everyone to understand, he does not spray tan, “I do not fake bake, I have never received a spray tan in my life. This is my natural Mediterranean complexion.”

Hey, but what about the national debt?  What’s the plan for our aging infrastructure?  And just who are your “supporters” — the people coming to the rally-off next month?

Avenatti did release his positions on Twitter, only to back-peddle immediately when questioned by Tweeters.  In other words, when first debated, he wishy-washed his responses to appease the masses.  Not that the Constitution will regulate itself in answer to the uneducated demands, but damn, shouldn’t a lawyer be versed in that language?

All About Avenatti

The olive-complexioned upstart is banking on a giant rally crowd of support to indicate if he has any kind of following to perhaps further his own agenda.  His recent posturing isn’t about, as he states, “Making America, America Again” rather if America can appease his voracious appetite for fawning attention.
The lack of policy discussions from a man who believes he has the stones to beat President Trump in 2020 has been glaringly omitted from each and every interview with the man.  Is he serious? If so, his efforts so far are embarrassing.

As Americans witnessed, President Trump filled to capacity the largest stadiums and venues across the nation, casting the ominous shadow of loss on the desperate Democrats.  Good grief, when Obama stumped with Hillary at his side, they garnered a scant few thousand attendees, while Trump supporters Trump supporters generated full houses with standing room only crowds, and mile-long lines snaking around the venue’s streets.

For Avenatti to challenge President Trump to out-rally him in Texas seems likely to be a suicide mission for the hopeful and very stylish man.  He only pays tribute to himself, at all times, and in every possible situation.  I fear he has fallen for his own press.

Next month, Trump will woo Texans to back their Senator, Ted Cruz.  All animosity, which is normal in hotly debated campaigns, has dissipated between the two men and Avenatti will not be able to disrupt the Trump train momentum with a room full of progressives who are there for a free ride and finger food.

Trump will simply destroy another sad attempt to derail the Silent Majority with the snap of his fingers.  And it’s gonna sting when the baggy-suit clad leader of the free world sporting another layer of spray tan dispatches Avenatti and his supporters to the back of the arts section of the Texas newspapers.  Heck, does the state of Texas have enough mirrors to even entertain an Avenatti event?


Liberty Nation does not endorse candidates, campaigns, or legislation, and this presentation is no endorsement.

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