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Morning Joke Scarborough at it Again

by | May 4, 2018 | Narrated News, The Left

Most Americans with a modicum of common sense have stopped watching MSNBC’s Morning Joe – and for good reason. It has become more than a little nauseating to listen to Joe Scarborough endlessly rant against the president when he is so oblivious to the “plank in his own eye.” Thus, Mr. Scarborough has sought greener pastures for his mindless observations and taken to the pages of the Washington Post. Yes, sweet old Joe is working overtime to provide the American public with his musings — this time about Rudy Giuliani.

Giuliani The Chump

In an op-ed headlined “Rudy Giuliani goes from ‘America’s Mayor’ to Trump’s Chump,” Morning Joke authored a personal stem-winder that trashes the former New York City mayor. Why? Because  Giuliani has the audacity to support and now work for President Trump. For shame.

But before Mr. Scarborough gets into the substance of his attack on Giuliani, he takes several paragraphs to wax about his favorite subject. That is, Joe, talking about Joe. Indeed, the former Florida Congressman who used to carry an “R” after his name, takes us through the glory days of his old broken-down station wagon and the “dystopian horror” of a stroll through Central Park. (Dystopian seems to be Joe’s favorite word these days.)

You see, back in the day, Joe was so impressed with Rudy, his many achievements, and inspirational leadership. But now the once-great mayor has fallen from great heights. Indeed, in Joe’s eyes, Rudy is nothing more than a chump and political henchman. Joe is so disappointed.

Speaking of Disappointment

Leftists – and that is precisely what Joe Scarborough has become – are better than average at hypocrisy. They love to tell the little people what to think. They believe they are our betters and can help us understand what is righteous since we are nothing but ignorant low-life’s. From the back of their limo, they mull over their professorial advice in an insulated, self-satisfied world.

But people like Joe are unable to comprehend their own folly and foibles. So perhaps we should give him a bit of advice from outside his ivory tower: Mr. Scarborough we are disappointed in you. It is not Rudy who has abandoned his principles; it is you. It is not the former mayor who has slid into the left-wing ditch; it is you. It is not Mr. Giuliani who has become a sap; it is you.

Joe Scarborough has not only betrayed his former constituency, he has betrayed almost everything he ever once stood for. So, if he wants to go back and “excavate” Mr. Giuliani’s record, perhaps he should take a moment to look at his own. As written previously on Liberty Nation:

“Mr. Scarborough’s relationship with the Republican Party nurtured, educated and ultimately provided him with the lifestyle to which he has become accustomed. It was his metaphorical first wife, who paid for his college while working nights, so they could enjoy many happy years together only to find out when the school bell rung he had run off with the Phys. Ed. Teacher. And in a way, Mr. Scarborough’s distasteful break-up with his political party has been chugging down the tracks for some time now. Perhaps it is no real surprise, for, in the words of that famed TV character Sue Ellen Ewing, the wife always knows when her husband has taken up with another woman. Betrayal is often quite transparent.”

When all is said and done Morning Joke would do well to remember that his political rebirth is viewed as nothing short of betrayal to those who have been watching the trajectory of his public life. If anyone needs to be called out as a chump, Mr. Scarborough, it is you.

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Leesa K. Donner

Executive Editor

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