America, the dream, the melting pot: where people come to live in freedom and realize their dreams. Even though...
Migrant caravan
Who’s Really Got the Immigration Cred: Obama or Trump?
When it comes to immigration, separating families and locking migrant children in cages are just some of the...
The Uncounted Cost of Uncontrolled Mass-Immigration
The battle between those who want stricter immigration control and the border wall and those who want to open our...
Illegals Crime Report: Assault on Women and Children
Week of September 19-25 Illegals Crime Report brings another sad week of assaults committed against children....
Trump’s El Salvador Asylum Pact: Will It Work?
When it comes to immigration control, President Donald Trump has not backed down from his promise to secure and...
LNTV: Democrats Go Mum on Immigration – WATCH NOW
Liberty Nation's Leesa K. Donner and Sarah Cowgill discuss how the outrage from the Democrats over immigration...
LNTV: SCOTUS On Asylum – Trump Wins First Battle – WATCH NOW
Liberty Nation's Mark Angelides and Scott D. Cosenza discuss the newest decision by SCOTUS to aliens seeking...
SCOTUS Gives Trump Go-ahead on Asylum Revolution
In what may turn out to be President Trump’s biggest victory to date, the Supreme Court has ruled that his...
Illegals Crime Report: Child Assault on the Rise
Week of August 29 – September 4 Salvadorian Illegal Immigrant Rapes 16-Year-Old Girl Germantown, MD A 46-year-old...