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Live Updates at the Fight for a British Future

Liberty nation is on the ground in the U.K. covering the annual conference of United Kingdom Independence Party. For those that don’t know, UKIP is the British insurgent party that forced the government to hold the Brexit referendum that arguably began the right-leaning populist movement that spread across the globe.

Formerly headed by Mr. Brexit Nigel Farage, the party has had massive ups and downs since leading the nation to vote Leave from the European Union. Will this conference be like a rising phoenix? Or will it signal the final days of a political party ruined by its own success?

We’ll be bringing you live updates, videos, and interviews throughout the two-day event. You can catch up here, on Twitter, or on Facebook.

UPDATE: The familiar faces of UKIP and the free speech movement are here. Gerard Batten (party leader), Mark Meechan (otherwise known as YouTube star Count Dankula), and many more. The overall vibe is one of excitement; people feel as though the party – and the nation – is on the brink of revival.

UPDATE: The party leader Gerard Batten gave a rousing speech well-received by the audience in which he outlined how the British Establishment is in the process of betraying the ideals of Brexit.

UPDATE: Free speech is a big theme for the speech. Batten discusses how people are at risk of losing their careers if they dare to speak out on certain subjects; as such, he feels obliged to speak out for them.

UPDATE: Popular free speech Youtubers Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin) and Markus Meechan (Count Dankula), both spoke in the main hall (the former via livestream, the latter on stage). Their themes were similar. They both spoke of the need to protect free speech and to enshrine it in law.

Count Dankula proposed a British Bill of Rights that ensures the freedom of every person to liberty and free speech. He explained how the cost of liberty is to have to listen to opinions you don’t like.

UPDATE: An interesting bunch of characters have attended the conference. All with one thing on their minds: Freedom.


Liberty Nation does not endorse candidates, campaigns, or legislation, and this presentation is no endorsement.

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Mark Angelides


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