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Good Reads

LN Radio 12/6/20 – Last Call in Georgia

LN Radio 12/6/20 – Last Call in Georgia

Do you accept the results of the 2020 presidential election, and the integrity of the upcoming Senate elections in Georgia? If you do, you’re in a very slim majority of Americans. We discuss how you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know this election just doesn’t add up. But if Trump did lose fair and square, the campaign manager who was deep-sixed during the campaign has now given us a pretty good idea why. LibertyNation.com’s outspoken Political Columnist Joe Schaeffer joins us to discuss how Trump supporters should react to a tainted election in their eyes and what their agenda should be in the weeks and months ahead. Plus, LN Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza jumps on board for talkin’ liberty – focusing on voter ID laws, unanimous juries, cashless businesses and … only dogs can fly!