Israel executed an air strike in a suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, against a Hezbollah leader identified as directing...
NYC’s Dubious Sanctuary Status Seems to Create Crime
New York City’s police department reported a decrease in crime for the second quarter, but from January 1 to July...
Fox News Vindicated in Lawsuit for Telling the Truth
The defamation suit that Nina Jankowicz – the former director of the Department of Homeland Security’s...
Opioid Settlement Money Mishandled?
Last week, in Middletown, OH, the city council agreed “to accept the material terms of the national opioid...
The Iron Dome – C5 TV
Is an Iron Dome in this nation’s future? [roku-ad align="center"...
Russian, Chinese Bombers Intercepted Near Alaska
When Russia and China fly a formation of bombers into the US Air Defense Identification Zone, America takes...
Bold, Strong, and Sure, Netanyahu Galvanized the US Congress
After Israel experienced one of the worst attacks and loss of life since the Holocaust on Oct. 7, 2023, President...
Trump and the Iron Dome – Star Wars All Over Again?
Is Donald Trump advocating for a new Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)? Four decades ago, then-President Ronald...
Israel Attacks Houthi Port After Feckless US Responses in Red Sea
Following a deadly drone strike on Israel by Iran-backed Yemeni Houthi terrorists, Israeli Air Force fighter...