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Gunslingers for Liberty: Poison Pill Politics – 9.8.19

Does calamity await thanks to leftist wrong-think?

Editor’s note: Miss some of this week’s news, public policy and politics? Stay current, keep up and get out ahead of the pack with Liberty Nation’s Sunday News Round-up. Yeehaw!

Is Biden the New Hillary?

If this campaign cycle is beginning to feel eerily familiar, you’re not alone. Presidential hopeful Joe Biden appears to be following in the footsteps of Hillary Clinton in making the poorest possible case for winning your vote: “I’m me.”

Far from being the candidate with the most inspiring (or even practical) policies, Uncle Joe is resting his hopes on the idea that he has the resumé to succeed. His less-than-stellar CV includes spending time in the White House and a fairly uneventful career in the DC swamp. But hey, it almost worked for Clinton. Stumbling mindlessly from gaffe to gaffe, even his long-suffering spouse, Dr. Jill, has been called in to provide that extra aspect of humanity. She said:

“Your candidate might be better on, I don’t know, health care, than Joe is, but you’ve got to look at who’s going to win this election … And maybe you have to swallow a little bit and say, ‘OK, I personally like so and so better,’ but your bottom line has to be that we have to beat Trump.”

And what is it that voters may have to “swallow”? It seems the average American may have to force down a very bitter pill. This strategy failed to work for Hillary Clinton, and it seems lessons have not been learned.

As Liberty Nation’s Joe Schaeffer writes:

“Clinton and Biden are entrenched veteran Dems whose campaigns share a similar aspect of inevitability in large part because neither would be able to garner the popular support of voters on personal merit alone. Biden argues Dems must back him because he is the only “acceptable” figure in a progressive-dominated field who can attract moderate and undecided voters. It doesn’t matter if you like him or not; he’s the only path to victory.”

What to Watch For

The remaining Democrat contenders will each be trying to carve out a niche based upon their own particular personalities. The entrenched ideologies of climate alarmism, identity politics, and social justice appear to be merely the entry package to which all hopefuls must ascribe. So, what’s left? Prepare for “Operation Please Love Me.”

Did #MeToo Backfire?

A recent study by the University of Houston has examined the fallout of the #MeToo movement and how it has impacted relations in the workplace. The study indicated that both men and women have pretty much the same perception of what is considered inappropriate behavior, and highlighted that a significant proportion of males are now less likely to hire a female for a role in which close liaison is necessary. Interesting reading to be sure, but the media reaction was rather bizarre.

The Guardian interpreted these finding to suggest:

“A lot of men aren’t so much afraid of being accused of anything as they are angry that #MeToo ever happened. They’re angry that they’ve been made to think about their behavior, made to interrogate power dynamics they always took for granted, and they are punishing women for it by refusing to interact with them.”

And Jezebel, that bastion of fine journalism, decided to not examine the underlying causes at all, writing:

“Instead of using MeToo as a learning opportunity to become more aware of the harassment most women generally face in the world at large and in the workplace specifically, a new study has found that many men have decided to go the opposite route and simply avoid women in the workplace full-stop.”

What seems significant is that neither publication took the opportunity to delve deeper and discuss the most likely reason for this new attitude among male employers: They don’t want to get in trouble.

It’s all well and good knowing what boundaries should be in place, but the chances of a spurned employee – perhaps one who didn’t get the promotion – making up false claims are, sadly, all-too-realistic. Imagine five years down the line, an innocent work-related dinner is now cast as an attempt to intoxicate and sexually abuse an employee. The accused’s life and career in ruins, made more so by a cultural push to ensure that “believe all women” is the new mantra.

Once again, it seems the leftist pursuit of justice and equality has produced neither.

What to Watch For

An interesting aspect of the study was that many female employers felt the same way as male ones. This is a backlash that crosses the spectrum. We can expect to see employers following the example of Vice President Mike Pence to never be alone in a room with a person of the opposite sex who is not their wife/husband.

Washington Whispers & Other Juicy Tidbits

Be on the lookout for:

  • With Biden’s bleeding eye issues, we can expect to see credible questions regarding his fitness for office. Naturally, these claims will be heralded as “naught but right-wing propaganda,” by the media who seem desperate to remove Trump from office regardless of the cost.
  • With Maine looking to allow “preferential candidates” or ranked voting in presidential elections, concerns are being raised that this is merely a gimmick to deny office to any Republican who wins a majority in first-round voting.

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