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Gunslingers for Liberty: Falling out of Love With China – 5.17.20

Has China caught a stink they just can't shake?

Editor’s note: Miss some of this week’s news, public policy, and politics? Stay current, keep up, and get out ahead of the pack with Liberty Nation’s Sunday News Round-up. Yeehaw!

Start the Disease, Steal the Cure

There is no denying that the COVID-19 pandemic began in Wuhan, China – regardless of how many times the PC crowd calls the terms “China Virus” and “Wuhan Coronavirus” racist. But rather than have the decency to feel bad about its latest gift to the world, the communist country shifts the blame and even goes so far as to hack American companies working on treatments and vaccines. Surprised? You shouldn’t be.

Liberty Nation’s Dave Patterson explains:

“Of course, this behavior should come as no surprise considering that China put the world in greater jeopardy than it would have otherwise been by keeping silent on critical data regarding the outbreak in Wuhan. Liberty Nation‘s Kelli Ballard reported on the investigation into the illegal nature of withholding information and the World Health Organization’s complicity in China’s actions.”

Whether the government-backed Chinese hackers were trying to steal the cure or just mess up the process of discovering one, that they feel no remorse for the hundreds of thousands of Coronavirus deaths is quite clear.

What to Watch for

Many treatment and vaccine options are being explored all around the world, and with any luck, a Western nation will make the big breakthrough first. If, however, China wins this race, Don’t expect them to share it with the world out of the kindness of their big communist hearts.

Nobody Likes China Now – Well, Almost Nobody

China has caught a stink they just can’t shake. Few can think of the nation’s role in the Coronapocalypse and smile – but never underestimate the power of money. While the communist country has lost face with most of the world, China is still very popular in the world of American sports.

Liberty Nation’s Joe Schaeffer wrote:

“Nearly two-thirds of Americans (73%) blame China for the hardships imposed on the nation by the Coronavirus, according to a May 8 Morning Consult poll. China is facing the threat of becoming a pariah state in international circles due to the global fallout from the virus. So leave it to the NBA to take this very moment to once again assume a cringing posture to the Chinese despots as it chases what it believes is a pot of money at the end of their bloody tyrannical rainbow. ”


What to Watch for

The uber-rich sports stars and their management have long demonstrated their complete disconnect with the reality faced by their fans. Don’t expect that to change anytime soon. The NBA is doing everything it can to make up for Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey’s unforgivable support of Hong Kong protesters. How long before they “properly handle” him as China demands?

Washington Whispers & Other Juicy Tidbits

Be on the lookout for:

  • The Democrat-controlled House passed another massive Coronavirus spending bill Friday – the HEROES Act, they call it. This one comes in at a whopping $3 trillion. But there were 14 Democrats who refused to toe the party line and voted against the bill. It wasn’t enough to stop it, of course, but it does raise an interesting question: Are the attempts to spend Coronavirus away finally coming to an end?

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