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Female, Migrant, and Republican: Is Scherie Murray the One to Oust AOC?

As a migrant woman, Scherie Murry might be the most dangerous opponent Ocasio-Cortez has faced to date.

Another Republican has joined the race to take over Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) seat, and this one just might prove to be the freshman’s biggest contender. Scherie Murray is a migrant from Jamaica whose first campaign video chastises A-O-C as being more of a celebrity than a lawmaker.  In an exclusive interview with Fox News, the newest New York candidate said:

“There is a crisis in Queens, and it’s called A-O-C. And instead of focusing on us, she’s focusing on being famous. Mainly rolling back progress and authoring the job-killing Green New Deal and killing the Amazon New York deal.”

Murray’s Morals

Scherie Murray

Murray, 38, migrated with her family from Jamaica when she was nine years old. She grew up in Southeast Queens, worked for the city’s Jamaica Bus Depot when she was a teenager, founded The Esemel Group – an advertising company and television production that helped find employment for minorities in New York City – in 204, was a former state committeewoman of the New York State Republican Party, and is now a full-time mother who remains active in Republican politics.

The newest candidate uses building bridges as a metaphor for linking citizens as part of her campaign, and the 29-year-old media darling’s political mistakes as demonstration. “Your representative in Washington chooses self-promotion over service, conflict over constituents, resistance over assistance,” Murray said in her campaign video. “Queens and the Bronx needs someone who will create jobs instead of turning them away.”

Murray does not agree with Ocasio-Cortez’s claim to Democratic socialism. “I think it’s far, far to the left and it is not connecting with everyday Americans.”  As for two of A-O-C’s biggest projects, she said “Medicare-for-all, I think a lot of people are happy with their current insurance.” Of the Green New Deal, she said: “We know it certainly will kill jobs.”

The Jamaican migrant claims to be a Donald Trump supporter even though she wasn’t enthusiastic with the recent backlash from the president’s remarks to Democratic progressive women who should fix issues in their own countries before telling us how to fix ours. “I think it’s disgusting, to be quite honest,” she said, although it wasn’t clear if she was upset by the president’s remarks or the cries of racism following them.  “Is that how I would have worded it? No. Do I think the president is a racist? No. But I want to get back to the core of why we’re even talking about this – there is a crisis at our border.”

Murry is the fifth Republican candidate to file for A-O-C’s seat: John Cummings, a former police officer; Antoine Tucker, an entrepreneur; Ruth Papazian, a medical journalist; and Miguel Hernandez, a construction contractor. So far, there have been no Democrats announcing a run

The Battle Ahead

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

In such a strong Democratic district, any Republican challenging A-O-C’s seat is in for an uphill battle. If a Democrat challenger steps forth, the other Dems are likely to rally behind him or her, throwing their considerable numbers against a Republican candidate.

The Republicans will focus their campaigns on Ocasio-Cortez’s negative popularity and the damage they feel she has done to the city with polices that drove businesses away, and backing legislation to raise the minimum wage in New York. While the representative has gained momentum in popularity, 2020 candidates will likely suggest she desires the media attention more than she works towards actual fixes for her constituents. A-O-C fans, however, will likely counter by saying her youthful energy and ideas are just what was needed.

One thing is for certain: Murray’s migrant status will be a big plus in her campaign. Now, when Democrats and liberals are foaming at the mouth, calling for open borders, and some, such as Elizabeth Warren, yammering for it to not be illegal to be an illegal alien, having a strong, female migrant run for congressional office may be just what the Republicans need in the Democratic State.

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