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Exclusive Interview with Liberty Nation Author on Unite the Right March

by | Aug 12, 2017 | The Left


In Charlottesville, Virginia, the Unite the Right March has taken a serious turn for the worse. Not only has the event slipped into a series of violent confrontations, but it appears that there may also have been a death resulting from a car being driven into a group of people opposing the event.

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe has officially declared a state of emergency, saying:

“It is now clear that public safety cannot be safeguarded without additional powers, and that the mostly out-of-state protesters have come to Virginia to endanger our citizens and property.”

In the area is Liberty Nation’s James Capua who has written extensively on the developing hostilities in Charlottesville. LN’s Editorial Director, Leesa Donner spoke with Mr. Capua just moments ago. Her exclusive interview sheds light on what’s really happening on the ground right now:

Ms. Donner:       Can you bring me up to speed on what happened in Charlottesville today?

Mr. Capua:          Well, essentially what happened is as best I can describe it, it went according to plan as far as Charlottesville’s left was concerned. I mean the liberals basically hid. They left it to the cops and the National Guard to go in the mess they had created and the alt right people and the white nationalist types lived up to their billing. They did what they were supposed to do. They looked sinister and, of course, one of ’em was crazy enough to actually drive a car into a crowd and it looks like they injured 19 people.

Basically, everybody did what they were supposed to do. The right looked sinister. The left hid. The Antifas pushed back. It created a situation so that from now on the left can push harder and harder and harder in Charlottesville and the agenda will continue.

Ms. Donner:       Okay, now, Jim, based on your articles you’ve been kind of predicting this kind of explosive situation all along. I guess they didn’t disappoint.

Mr. Capua:          No, they didn’t disappoint. I’m just sorry that if they were gonna use people, they had to go so far as ending up getting somebody killed, but it bodes very ill for Charlottesville’s future, I think. I think this is gonna turn out to be a very serious, very negative turning point for Charlottes.

Ms. Donner:       In summation, and my last questions is, who won today? The left or the right?

Mr. Capua:          Oh, the left won. The left got exactly what they wanted.

Ms. Donner:       All right. Thank you.

Just last week Mr. Capua wrote:

Orthodox local media is anticipating eagerly some eminently spinnable mayhem: “Some suspect that the possible violence could be the result of intentional right-wing agitation, as local activists with Solidarity Charlottesville have recently exposed posts on social media and far-right blogs in which supporters of Unite the Right! rally seemed to revel in the possibility of violence and call on others to prepare for a fight.”

For more on the events this weekend in Charlottesville read Liberty Nation’s Jeff Charles’ article here.

This tragic event that will surely divide the nation even further has been widely condemned by most major figures in the political arena including President Trump who Tweeted:

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