The wealthy and the well-educated may be moving to the Golden State, but no one else can afford it.
Fed Defies Trump by Raising Rates
The Federal Reserve pulled the trigger on a December rate hike.
A Looming Recession on the Cards?
Presidents may delude themselves on how much control they can exert over the economy.
TRUTH TV FULL EPISODE 12.18.18: Benghazi, Impeachment, Yellow Vests and Welfare – WATCH NOW
Liberty Nation discusses everything from impeaching the president, the Yellow Vest protest, and much more.
Yellow Vest Movement Losing Steam or Gaining Ground?
Anti-elite protest born in France metastasizes slowly to other countries.
When Do American Taxpayers Get Their #MeToo Moment?
Open your wallets, Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer, for the bad boys and girls of government.
Obamacare Is Unconstitutional So Let It Die
Congress should get out of health care business for good.
Pay-For-Play Clues in Clinton Foundation Probe
Tax evasion may be an investigative slam dunk but influence peddling is the heart of the matter.
Taxpayer Footing Heavy Bill for Migrant Welfare – WATCH NOW
Will the U.S. face a Yellow Vest moment over immigrant welfare bill?