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Economic Affairs News

The Intersection of Economic Theories and Trump Politics

The Intersection of Economic Theories and Trump Politics

Economists speak a language very few of us can comprehend at first glance. They study math equations, statistical analysis, trends, and apply their specific theories, concepts, and conclusions on a variety of subjects—from broad-based social studies to downright infuriating minutiae of a specific discipline. The very intelligent and highly educated economists—those who hold a Ph.D. in economics and have publishing street creds—are always in demand to poke holes in other economists stated conclusions about whatever is the hot topic du jour.

Look Out: Here Comes The Fed

Look Out: Here Comes The Fed

The Federal Reserve is about to kick off another round of “follow the leader” with other central banks across the planet. Long the scourge of many a libertarian, the Fed once again betrays the amount of immense influence it holds over global geopolitics. After announcing a rate hike (only the third in a decade), economists and experts are speculating that the Fed’s counterparts in other nations will soon be forced to follow suit, according to Reuters.