For whatever reason, both sides of the aisle believe that government is a wealth generator. Democrats openly promote the idea, while Republicans clandestinely have confidence in the notion.
Economic Affairs News
There’s More To The WaPo Economist Survey Than You Were Told
Breaking news: academic elites are part of an insular clique where any dissent is quickly stamped out of existence by their counterparts in the mainstream media. Oh, is that old news?
How Technology Disrupts Politics Part 2: Cryptography
This article is the second part in a series on how technology disrupts politics. The topic of part two is cryptography.
The Sharing Economy: Under Fire From Republicans
Despite the lightning-fast growth of the sharing economy, the regulators are catching up. Across the US, and frankly the world, the most public-service-oriented and naturally developing sector of modern economic growth in recent history is being demagogued and regulated into oblivion by the most self-serving and least efficient actor in every economy: the government.
Are Those Unemployment Numbers Real?
The New York Times announced recently that the United States might be approaching full employment. But does it feel like we are anywhere near full employment?
Point-Counterpoint: Eliminating The Estate Tax
Editor’s Note: Welcome to Point-Counterpoint, where Liberty Nation writers face off in an intellectual debate about issues affecting everyday Americans. This week, our financial writer, Dan Ingram, faces off in a spirited and highly entertaining debate with Editorial Director Leesa K. Donner.
Was Trump’s Canadian Tariff Actually A Bad Idea?
When politicians espouse the supposed virtues of protectionism and tariffs, they often cite four economic arguments: protect a nation’s industry, end the trade deficit, make the country self-sufficient and do it because other governments are doing it. For years, these have been the common defenses for the regressive policy of tariffs.
100 Days: Trump’s Greatest Victory So Far – The Economy
The finance industry has a term called the 100-Day Moving Average which traders use to evaluate both individual stocks and the market as a whole. What is President’s Trumps 100-Day Moving Average when it comes to the economy? You can base this off emotion and headlines, or, like any trader worth their portfolio, you can base it off of data. When we look at the actual numbers, it is clear that President Trump has enjoyed a tremendously successful first hundred days in office.
How Higher Minimum Wage Affects Lower Quality Restaurants
The minimum wage – or as legendary free-market economist Murray Rothbard called it “compulsory unemployment” – will result in more restaurants shutting their doors, says a new study by Harvard University economists entitled “Survival of the Fittest: The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Firm Exit.” With labor costs surging, driven by higher minimum wages, a greater number of restaurants will face ruination.