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Coronavirus Ravages Already Ailing News Media

The Coronavirus of well-known, unknown origin is killing what little credibility the American media still has.

COVID-19 – a strain of Coronavirus that originated in the world’s most populous country – may be far less, or far greater, of a threat than most people realize. Mortality rates among the infected differ from country to country. Among one particular demographic here in the United States, though, this disease has proven particularly virulent. Journalists and T.V. talking heads have contracted the virus at alarming rates, and their symptoms are both sickening and hilarious.

It was in January 2020 that the virus, which first appeared in a country famous for Ming vases and General Tso’s chicken, began to raise concern across the world. American media figures succumbed quickly. Signs of the illness were at once apparent. In addition to some of the symptoms seen in other victims, such as fever and shortness of breath, these journalists and pundits were almost immediately afflicted with tunnel vision, accelerated, loud speech, and a heightened sense of outrage. Also, a curious aversion to the word “China.”

COVID-19, which stands for Coronavirus Disease 2019 and which spread across the globe from a country with a name that rhymes with “Carolina,” is mostly fatal among those whose immune systems are compromised due to pre-existing conditions. This does not bode well for many in the U.S. media who already suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

What’s In a Name?

Another primary symptom prevalent among reporters is a complete loss of perspective. While the numbers of positive diagnoses – and deaths – continue to rise, these hapless critters remain fixated upon one, nagging detail: Whether it is racist to identify the virus with its country of origin. In this case, the country in question is a vast, Asian country with a capital city named Beijing.

Leftists in the media have hammered President Donald Trump for his use of the term “Chinese virus” – an apparent reference to the geographical genesis of the disease. It is undoubtedly true that such a label could conceivably lead the uninformed to believe things that are not true: perhaps that all Chinese are infected or that only the Chinese are infected. If there is a sound argument for not referring to COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus,” that would be it.

The president’s detractors – or most of them, anyway – are not making that argument, though: They are playing up the “Chinese virus” label because it aids their quest to prove that the president is a racist.

Ironically, the media has collectively spoken or written the term “Chinese virus” many more times than the president himself. If “Chinese virus” is now etched into the nation’s consciousness, it is because the media, not Trump, put it there.

One journalist even went as far as claiming that an administration official had used the term “Kung Flu.” Even after being repeatedly challenged, including by Trump himself, to name the official who allegedly made the comment, said reporter has not yet revealed the culprit, which would be a very simple – and even decent – thing to do. Almost certainly, then, “Kung Flu” came from the withering mind of the journalist in question.

By repeating, ad nauseam, the label “Chinese virus,” the media may be responsible for the recent alleged rise in hate crimes against Asian-Americans. As Liberty Nation’s Mark Angelides points out, the press was using “Chinese virus” before Trump used it. Now, Angelides writes, “[T]he BBC, Reuters, and many other outlets once used the terms ‘Chinese Virus’ or ‘Chinese Coronavirus’ and now react with pearl-clutching horror when Trump does the same.”

COVID-19 Kills the News

In the meantime, the rest of the news appears to have simply disappeared. It almost seems as though COVID-19, a virus born in a country once envied for its Great Wall, has simply wiped out all other world events. According to most U.S. media sources, only Coronavirus is happening. Nothing else is happening. Bernie who? Syria did what? Taliban – is that a hat? No, there is only Coronavirus, which came from who knows where.

Unfortunately, no amount of social distancing will save the American people from the hysterics, histrionics, hyperbole, and hissy fits emanating daily from the left-wing media. There appears to be no cure for what ails them. One of CNN’s walking irrelevancies recently expressed his wish that First Lady Melania Trump would “#BeInfected” with COVID-19 – which started in a country where the majority of people speak Mandarin.

It would be neither professional, moral, nor mature to hope that these tedious, media drones would themselves keel over quickly from the virus. That said, it would be a quick and merciful end compared to the slow, ridiculous, humiliating and, for the rest of us, excruciating demise of the news business we are currently witnessing.

It’s China, by the way. COVID-19 comes from China. It’s a Chinese virus, one could say.


Read more from Graham J. Noble.

For home study students and young people, Liberty Nation recommends…

All About Pandemics

High School: Epidemic vs Pandemic: What’s the Difference?

Middle School: Epidemic vs Pandemic: What Are They?

Elementary School: What Are Epidemics and Pandemics?

All About Coronavirus

High School: Coronavirus: What It Is and How Not to Get It

Middle School: Coronavirus: Just the Facts

Elementary School: Coronavirus: What Is It?

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Video: Why Free Speech Matters


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Graham J Noble

Chief Political Correspondent & Satirist

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