Most conservatives understand that the left’s constant accusations of racism are nothing more than attempts to shame right-wingers into silence. By now, most Republican politicians have also figured this out. Yet, the tactic still works. Too many continue to recoil when they hear the words “racist” or “racism.” These yellowbellies immediately go on the defensive, desperate to let everyone know they disapprove of anything that could possibly be interpreted as racially insensitive or offensive.
It’s sickening. It’s cowardly. It’s incredibly annoying. Republicans and all ordinary Americans who oppose the left’s tyrannical “social justice” agenda should learn to sneer at such meaningless insults. Every person knows what’s in his or her own heart: Either you are an actual racist or you aren’t. If you are the former, then it shouldn’t bother you in the slightest when someone points it out. If you’re the latter, then you should simply laugh and shrug your shoulders, safe in the knowledge that the doofus who just called you a racist did so because he or she lost the argument and now just wants to shut you up.
The reality of today’s America is that there is far more hatred and racism on the left than there is on the right. The mere fact that the left portrays non-whites as so emotionally fragile that they must be protected from even the slightest criticism proves the point. The left treats non-whites like stupid children who have neither the desire nor the ability to control their own destinies.
Words as Weapons?
Words matter, we have been told – and this is certainly true. Until we get to the point where we communicate only with emojis (probably somewhere around 2025), words remain pretty indispensable to the dying art of interaction with other human beings.
An appropriate idiom to examine, here, is “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” There’s a lesson in this idiom for anyone on the political right who still recoils with a whimper when accused of racism. To get the point across to these invertebrates, I suggest a simple experiment:
Gather five or six willing participants and have them shower you with verbal abuse, to include racial taunts, threats, speculation about your sexual preferences, and various observations about your parents: What was your mother’s marital status when you were born? Is she so fat that lifeguards have to remove her from the beach when the tide wants to come in? Does she now or has she ever provided adult entertainment to men in exchange for money?
You get the idea.
Allow this to continue for, say, thirty minutes, and then invite the participants in your experiment to bombard you with stones and beat you enthusiastically with sticks. End the experiment after another thirty minutes and then carefully review the results – making notes if necessary, assuming you are still able to hold a pencil. Did you sustain more physical damage from the first thirty-minute activity than from the second? Almost certainly, you will conclude that, no, you did not. So, the old idiom is true.
Leftists still know that they can push conservatives’ buttons, though, with this racism thing. They do it all the time. This new, rag-tag band of ingrates who somehow managed to get themselves elected to Congress as Democrats understand this and they are taking full advantage of it.
Who Are the Real Racists?
Taking a stand against this is long overdue. There are few things in life worse than actual racism, but calling out a black congressman for utterly failing to solve any of the problems in the sh**hole district he has represented for 23 years is not racist. Suggesting that people who hate America should perhaps consider returning to the countries from which they or their predecessors originated is not racist.
I myself left the country in which I was born and raised because I no longer felt I belonged there. Leaving is the right thing to do if you reside in a country you despise – even if that’s where you were born. Sure, you can choose to fight to make that country better but Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and her ilk are not trying to make America better, they are trying to destroy what it has always been and rebuild it into something very alien to original American ideals. They do not have the right to do that.
The great irony in all of this is that the dreadful conditions blighting many parts of Baltimore – an otherwise marvelous city with so much potential – had gone unnoticed by most Americans until President Donald Trump shone upon it a national spotlight with his allegedly racist tweets.
If I had one piece of advice for the president – and for all Republicans and conservative TV pundits – It would be to double down: Create a national conversation around the many metropolitan districts across the country that have been neglected and mismanaged for decades by Democrats. A great many of these districts have majority black or Latino populations so, yes, let’s have a real conversation about racist political policies.
Don’t run from accusations of racism. Instead, respond by demanding to know why so many Americans of color are living in districts – Democrat-controlled districts – that are barely even worthy of being labeled third-world.
The racists are not the ones pointing out that many inner-city blacks live in run-down, filthy, crime-infested neighborhoods: The racists are the ones who have been running these places for 50 or 60 years or more and haven’t done a damn thing about those problems.
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