What a difference a year makes. In December 2019, Saudi Arabia nodded in approval of its crude oil...
Business News
A Merry Little COVID-19 Christmas?
Will small businesses, retailers, and shoppers have themselves a merry little COVID-19 Christmas? While governors...
The $277 Trillion Debt Crisis – SWAMPONOMICS TV
Liberty Nation's Andrew Moran discusses how the global debt is estimated to reach $277 trillion by the end of the...
The Great Reset is the Road to Serfdom
Globalism and statism are interchangeable viral ideologies that have infected the planet's bloodstream, injecting...
Governments Failed to Build a Rainy-Day Fund When It Was Sunny
At the height of the Coronavirus pandemic, governments were desperate to rescue their nation from the depths of...
Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and Jerome Powell
During every presidential election cycle, all eyes are on the Republican and Democrat candidates competing to...
FL Fight for $15: The People Have Spoken – But Can They Bear It?
During the second and final U.S. presidential debate, former Vice President Joe Biden stated that "we have to...
Is Modern Monetary Theory Pathological Mendacity?
The anointed -- from academic institutions to the corridors of power -- have terrorized the public with experts...
Is a Federal Reserve Digital Currency Frankenstein Economics? – Swamponomics
Liberty Nation's Andrew Moran discusses how the Federal Reserve is in the beginning stages of following other...