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Border Crisis: Denials are Up, Deportations Down

Is this yet another existential linguistic crisis to muddle through?

The latest numbers on illegal alien deportations for April is the lowest ever recorded — yet alien border crossings exceeded a 20-year high. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) sent 2,962 – a 20% decline since March – of non-resident aliens back home from whence they came. Most foreign folks to whom ICE said “adios” were classified under the new Biden border guideline as posing a threat to national security. Those committing fraud, assault, money laundering, and driving while drunk isn’t of any concern in 2021.

ICE admitted in a statement to a prestigious Swamp news outlet that “U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has concentrated its limited law enforcement resources on threats to national security, border security, and public safety.”

The key phrase is “limited law enforcement resources.” One of the only reasons for having a federal government is to implement national security measures. But the Biden administration is slashing the border budget and reallocating funds for infrastructure projects instead, which is irritating friends and enemies in southwest states. So much so, that a bi-partisan coalition has been created between the out-spoken Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and colleague Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX): the two collaborated and introduced the Bipartisan Border Solutions Act. The end purpose of the act was for Biden to declare an emergency at the southern border and allow the National Guard to assist the battered ICE and border patrol officials.

As the feisty Sinema said: “The reality is that this is a crisis. We all know it, and the federal government must do more to address this surge of migrants who are coming to the border with increasing numbers each year.”

It Depends on What the Definition Of “Crisis” Is

It appears that to defend their current status with frenemies – new and old – that the Biden administration has consulted the presidential playbook of 1998. The year the slippery one, W.J. Clinton, caught in the middle of a tawdry sex scandal, explained that folks did not understand the use of the word “is.” It created a somewhat linguistic existential crisis. And no good crisis is left alone as White House press maven Jen Psaki channeled Clinton’s words, saying the border “wasn’t really a crisis, it was a huge challenge.”

And one news outlet, Politico, according to the letter obtained by the Washington Examiner, is reeducating reporters on language that is acceptable when writing about the “challenge” down south. As deputy production director Maya Parthasarathy wrote to staffers:

“Avoid referring to the present situation as a crisis, although we may quote others using that language while providing context. While the sharp increase in the arrival of unaccompanied minors is a problem for border officials, a political challenge for the Biden administration, and a dire situation for many migrants who make the journey, it does not fit the dictionary definition of a crisis.”

Parthasarathy continues, imploring her people to “avoid emotive words like onslaught, tidal wave, flood, inundation, surge, invasion, army, march, sneak, and stealth,” because such language “could portray migrants as a negative, harmful influence.”

[bookpromo align=”left”] Sinema, who grew up in southern Arizona, and others would heartily disagree. If it quacks like a crisis – well, you know the adage.

Setting a Dangerous Precedent

Joe Biden made it clear that he would turn the clock back on his predecessor’s accomplishment in whatever way he could muster. But when it comes to national security, is the crisis at the border a hill upon which he wants to plant his flag? He effectively threw the gate open wide for the masses and retracted policies that kept the border nearly controlled.

Former ICE acting director Ronald Vitiello plainly explained to a Washington D.C. news outlet how things are shaking out under Mr. Biden: “That’s part of a signal being sent — that immigration enforcement isn’t a priority for this team. The odds of being arrested just for being in the country illegally were always extremely low, and now they’ve basically ruled it out by policy.”

It’s a mess. It’s a challenge, and yes, it’s a crisis. As Sinema continues to goad Mr. Biden: “What I’m waiting for is the administration to take bold action.”

Aren’t we all?


Read more from Sarah Cowgill.

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